1299 1299 Superleggera

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by stevebu916, May 15, 2017.

  1. A friend of mine got his 1299sl last week. Wondered if anyone on here has got theirs yet or have a date? I'm interested in riding impressions and how it sounds with the race system on. Unfortunately for me, my mate lives 200 miles away and I won't see him until TT week.
  2. Have a look on the Moto Rapido facebook page, it has a short video with the race exhaust fitted. I was given the opportunity to sit on this bike and two impressions, it's tiny and it's very light. My 1098R weighs 181kg full tank wet, the 1299 Superleggera felt substantially lighter. As far as I'm aware there is a plan for John Hopkins to ride a few demo laps on it at Silverstone on the 29th June but don't shoot me if it doesn't happen because it's a BSB weekend at Snetterton. Andy
  3. The lucky few hey... :(
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  4. Tell you mate to be careful where he parks it whilst at the TT races. Wouldn't want a repeat of that VERY expensive Honda getting knocked over last year (or was it the year before?)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Did your friend buy from Manchester?
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  6. Yes

    Thanks for the warning!
  7. Thanks Andy, I'll take a look..
  8. I saw his pic on FB :)
  9. That's him. Had a txt from him on Sunday after the first 50 miles. He's finding it sharper and harder sprung than his S, no surprise there I guess. Think he's a bit in awe of it yet.

    I'm not aware of any other deliveries so wonder if his is UK's first. Not even seen anything in the mags or MCN yet either.
  10. 154kg with oil isn't it?
    • Love You Love You x 1
  11. Yeah, MR had at least 2 in, one of which was the shop owners I think, but suspect they had more. He tends to sell a few of the high end Ducatis :)
  12. Yes Wilf has one. He was having it taken apart at the weekend to fettle it :D
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  13. Add bits, and wouldn't be surprised if to gets run in on the dyno :upyeah:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. What a waste. I'll run it in for him for free

    Sent from my HUAWEI NXT-AL10 using Tapatalk
  15. think there is quite a queue ;)
  16. Wilf tells me it's gonna be run in on the road. Probably already up to it's first service mileage by now. Andy
  17. Just found the figures, 156kg dry wieght, 167kg curb weight and it's going to,be even less with the race exhaust. In standard trim that makes it 14kg lighter than the 1098R, 14kg, 2 stones !!!! No idea how much lighter the race exhaust over the stock. It's got to make the bike less than 160kg wet which is truly amazing. Andy
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. When I sat on it, my not inconsiderable 17 stone didn't feel as though it compressed the rear shock at all and the seat padding is quite firm. Andy
  19. How do you "fettle" a Superleggera? :eek:
  20. Ask Wilf cos that's what he's doing to it :)
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