How do you know ???

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by He11cat, Dec 12, 2012.

    • Like Like x 1
  1. is it because a woman has turned up to buy it but cant make her mind so hes popped down the pub while she tries to make a decision?
  2. something to do with the pink vase?..
  3. the ashtray.
  4. Mirror mirror on the wall who has a ---- the one and all in the mirror on the wall.

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  5. No idea :-/
  6. Women don't have penis'.....
  7. OMG lol
  8. Take a look in the mirror :smile:
  9. It's still for sale if anyone wants it :biggrin:
  10. What made you look there in the first place??
  11. It's all the rave on eBay this game pmsl
  12. Is that 470four flogging something else?

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  13. Not me.

    Too cold to have a visible penis at the mo. :biggrin:
  14. what getting your naked pic on e bay?????
  15. Don't try blaming it on the cold weather.................................:tongue:
  16. Need a trim down there as well? Every pee-break is like a Lucky-Dip rummage in raffia packing?
  17. Thanks for that.....the mental image of a thousand nightmares!
  18. So your middle name is Russell?
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