One of the most common accidents for motorcyclists is falling while turning a corner?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by kev cornwall, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. [h=1]It will take a 'baby elephant' to knock over this bike[/h][​IMG]

    [h=1]It will take a 'baby elephant' to knock over this bike[/h][​IMG]

    One of the most common accidents for motorcyclists is falling while turning a corner.
    But what if the bike could stand up by itself and would take "a baby elephant pushing it" to knock it over?
    Sumi Das examines how a bike using technology found on the International Space Station and the Hubble Space Telescope - gyroscopes - can not only work to reduce accidents but save energy along the way.

    [h=3]One of the most common accidents for motorcyclists is falling while turning? , and theres me thinking its a bike taking avoiding action of another motorist who didnt see you! , interesting stuff though and please be careful turning corners lol[/h]
  2. Damn that gravity.
  3. I would have said not putting the sidestand down :) as seen that loads!
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  4. I've seen this on the TV. It is kept upright by gyros and has a steering-wheel affair rather than handlebars, so I was wondering ...

    How do your counter-steer a 2-wheeler with a steering wheel?

    What effect the gyros would have on potential cornering mistakes? (e.g. braking ... standing the bike-up ... running wide ... ouch!)
  5. This is the C1 look on YouTube about it very clever concept
  6. dave u on devon TRF?
  7. Oddly enough I havent seen many bikes falling over when they go around corners.Only when ambition outweighs talent and the brakes get yanked on.
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  8. Yes - but not for a long time.
  9. I blame Newton
  10. Makes an Austin Allegro look stylish.
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  11. Did EL T post something about this about a month ago?
  12. So, do they just go in a straight line until the baby elephant gets tired and then go round the corner while it's resting?
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  13. no doubt derived from this little um beauty? the racing ducati 125, which more than likely did fall down on corners[​IMG]
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