The Christmas Tree thread .

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by He11cat, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. Well seeing as your flashing them about !
    And the best worst bit of Christmas toot on it!
  2. I have a little pewter bat with a smily face Christmas decoration hanging from my Christmas tree along with the usual lights and baubles. A souvenir from some caves near Austin Texas (where we were stuck on 9.11) which had lots of bats living there.
  3. I love bats :)
  4. Well there are plenty on here who are half bats, if not completely
  5. My tree
    My fave dec


  6. Cant be arsed putting the darn thing up
  7. Not even a Christmas Twig Mr C?
  8. I'm all bats me :) and proud of it!
  9. My girlfriends flatmate/landlord only got rid of last years tree in October. I dont think she should be allowed to have another :tongue:
  10. [​IMG]Sorted
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  11. Genius
  12. If it was up to me there would not even be a twig.
  13. We have an designer/avante garde one. Or so SWMBO calls it. I call it twigs that have been spray painted gold.

    It's not up yet but no doubt it'll be up this weekend. :rolleyes:
  14. For me I think you might have over done it a bit Char....I'm more into the minimalist approach to christmas decorations personally.

  15. Where's the mirror? :biggrin:
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  16. We have nowt in our house, SWMBO is not keen. She puts the cards out on Christmas Eve; they are in the bin on boxing day ! I have a sparkly 4" plastic tree by the stereo in the garage - spend most of my time in there anyway !!
  17. Her Ladyship will put a fairly good fake tree with all the lights, baubles and tinsel in the last week before Christmas.....

    ..........within two hours it will be on it's side and and every eight hours after that, as the two cats proceed to 'investigate' (or in other words, we have vandal cats).

  18. That took me a minute lol
  19. It's us we checked for one!
  20. We've got five up this year, 7' in the living room, 5' in the playroom, and each of the kids has got a 3' one in their bedrooms, a pink one for the baby girl, green for the four year old, and a black one with black lights for the teenage boy. Loving Christmas in our house.
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