Difference between British and Americans

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by MADASL, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. British think 500 miles is a long way
    Americans think 500 years is a long time

    It may be an old addage now but I like it and possibly explains our different philosophy in life?
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  2. Good one, I like that!
  3. Two nations seperated by a common language. :smile:
  4. Americans think that if they're selling you rubbish, handing over a double-sized portion of rubbish makes it OK. Brits selling you something think that if they call it traditional olde fashioned, charging double is OK.
  5. An American who makes some money builds himself a fine new house. A Brit who makes some money buys himself a fine old house.
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  6. We eat "toad in the hole" but my ex husband insisted I cooked him that "mole in the hole" stuff ... Twat!
  7. He would be my ex also except for 2 things -
    1. I'll probably not marry an American.
    2. I'll not marry a 'him' - just not my style :wink:
  8. Any one fancy a discussion about buying a nice olde fashioned 900ss ? :upyeah:
  9. [​IMG]
    #9 Char, Dec 12, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 13, 2012
  10. Americans are just eternal children. They like dreams and Hollywood endings, black and white, simplification and have a child's sense of what food and drink should be: nachos, hamburgers, magma apple pie, stodge, anything fried. Beer should be tasteless and gassy, but you can always drink Coke with everything. They don't even do proper meals - they are just monster snacks. It's a truly weird place.

    In the words of John Cooper Clarke: "Too much is not enough / Now let's not be naïve"
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  11. Sweeping generalisation there, Glidd.

    spent lots of time over there, and currently work for a large US company. There are a significant amount of insular morons, but there are a good few very decent folks, too. The micro brews I have had in Pa and Co have been comparable to many good British beers. The seafood in New England can be amazing, and the barbecue food down south excellent. But I have noticed a disproportionate amount of tossers, bad food, and piss-like beer.

    equally, we Brits can be seen to be anal and arrogant, but stereotypes are too easy.

    and the Swiss...
  12. The americans I've met have all struck me as being rather naive, but also disarmingly friendly. I've nothing against them. It's the italians that get my goat...
  13. An American will say hello to you, a Brit would tell you to F-off (although thats probably more of the London thing) :biggrin:
  14. [​IMG]
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  15. Americans.....now let me see

    Vietnam : that went well didn't it.

    Pear Harbour: The only reason you joined in the war(late again) and even then only after Hitler had declared war on you.

    Falklands war: cheers for the help there lads(still think we managed ok without you)

    Suez canal crisis: cheers for the help again

    The ENGLISH language: thanks for murdering our language, it is called English for a reason so stop spelling everything with a Z .

    The IRA: the reason they were so good at this war on terror business is because America funded them for the past 40 years. thanks.

    Annoying accents: nuff said

    In most states anyone can buy and carry a gun. Which surprises me, because I can’t understand who would give people of their intelligence anything even semi-lethal. All that happens is that 70,000 Americans are shot every year? Hmm maybe that's the reason for their gun law

    Lack of history: They all seem so proud of their country yet its a very new country which has not really contributed to the world in general a great deal.

    IRAQ: cheers for shooting at our lads , bit of a stupid mistake don't you think ?

    They elected George Bush. GEORGE BUSH. TWICE! About they stupidest bastard ever to take charge of a country! This is what happens if you give democracy to idiots!
  16. Of course it's a sweeping generalisation! There are 300 million Americans and they can't all be the same.

    Note that I like Americans: they are very friendly and hospitable. But they are childlike and naïve all the same. And it is ironic, for a nation of immigrants, that they can't really get the food together. If there is one thing an immigrant knows how to do, it's cook. Problem is, the thing America is best at is industrialisation, so they industrialise most of their food, and we all know what industrial food tastes like.

    Anyway, you have to have some stereotypes, or you'd expect Scandinavians in Cairo.

  17. Yes, I see your point on the production line food system, never really considered it in that way before, and ty to avoid "chain store" food whenever I travel there.

    vive la difference.
  18. It's an easy distinction....
    Americans pronounce it "TOE-MAY-TOE"
    The english pronounce it.....correctly! :D

  19. istockphoto_2634771-hitting-a-nail-on-the-head.jpg

    Oh and George Bush is the biggest crunt to walk gods Earth.

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