Panigale R Pillion Seat And Foot Pegs

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Makarra, May 22, 2017.

  1. Howdy there fellow Ducatista folks... first time on here or any forum for that matter so go easy on me!

    Just got myself a 2015 Pani R at the weekend and I'm receiving conflicting information from a Ducati dealer and the private seller of the bike regarding fitting a pillion seat and pillion foot pegs. To cut a long story short, the conversation has gone from it apparently not being possible, to it being possible although as the angry two-wheeled tractor doesn't come with either the seat or pegs I'm unable to confirm this myself.

    Basically, I need to put a pillion seat and pillion foot pegs on the bike, so... do any of you know if it's possible? If so, do I need to get myself the equivalent that fit a Panigale 1299 or are there specifics ones for my R?

    Really appreciate any guidance that any of you can throw my way!
  2. These are the parts lists for the Panigale R and a base 1199 that has rear foot pegs which you can use for comparison. It may be as simple as buying foot pegs and the seat pad. It may be that you need to buy a replacement rear sub frame complete. Traditionally Ducati have saved weight on their R models by fitting lightweight subframes that are not designed for the stresses of carrying a pillion. Andy
  3. Congrats on the bike ..... Have you seen the Pillion seat for a Panigale?? Your mrs must be a brave lady is all I can say!! What Andy said too.... you'll probably find a that most dealers have some in stock that they could give you for a decent price..
  4. Cheers for that Andy although I won't hold my breath... whilst going through that list of parts! ;) But seriously, and handful of individuals have mentioned that there might be an issue with clearance between the exhaust headers and the hanger bolt thread. When I've enquired with a couple of dealer, they pretty much say it's a case of trial and error... and that if they order the parts for me and it doesn't work, they can't be returned... surprise, surprise!
  5. Hey there Frazzle and whilst there's no lady on the books at the moment, you know how it goes, could happen just like that so best be best prepared with some pegs! I realise the following isn't what Pani's are meant for in general, but I mainly do a lot of touring abroad on bikes so really just want the seat to somehow attach some panniers to it although I'm still figuring out what might be the best option in an attempt to not completely wreck the tail fairing... didn't mind so much on the last sports bike I had which ending up cracking the tail unit in the end, but doing that sort of thing to a Ducati would surely be nothing short of a crime!
  6. Do you have the full Akra system with the Akra heat shield on your r ?, if so look at the heatshield and you will see that it is made with imprints in the moulding , if pillion pegs are required these need cutting out, if you need a heatshield to cut give Tim a ring at JHP and he will supply just the shield and they are not mad money,if you have a standard carbon shield I would guess this would need cutting also, you may be better fitting a standard steel shield off the s to work with the rear footrests , if you want a new set of footrests I have a few new sets you are welcome to a set for postage, they are off a 899 with the gen 1 pegs.
  7. Hi-de-hi Simmytt and it's got the full Akra fitted, although as I just got the bike less than 48hrs ago I'm still getting round to spotting all the little bits and pieces. Unsure about the type of heat shield it has but I'll check for the imprints and really kind of you with the footrests offer. Lemme see what's possible with this machine and I'll certainly keep you in mind!
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  8. It's easy to tell, Akra one is gloss carbon and has a Akra decal on it the standard Ducati one is matt carbon has no markings.
  9. Welcome Dave :)
  10. Not that I've had a chance to check my bike since you last messaged me, I'm almost certain my heat shield is not the Akra one as I've seen pics of them online... so unless mine has had all the gloss peeled off and the Akra badge has flown off at high speed, we'll assume it's the standard one ;)
  11. This is going to get complicated, I have a 1299 with Akra cans and standard headers, I had a spare Akra heatshield from my previous bike so I asked my dealer to fit it at pdi, they went to fit it and reported back it looked shit because it did not follow the curvature of the standard headers, from this I can only assume the curve differs between the Akra headers and the standard headers,I ended up fitting the standard r carbon heatshield that you have on your bike and it looks and fits fine, problem is you can but the Akra heatshield no problem but you cannot seem to buy the Akra spacers that fit In between the shield and the subframe, so if you go this route you may well have to get some spacers fabricated, if you try the standard 1299 heatshield that will work with rear pegs but it may not be comparable with the curve of the Akra , hope that makes some sort of sence , if you are in the midlands I have a standard heatshield that you can trial fit.
  12. I think I follow you there buddy... so I take it I probably have a standard R heat shield fitted but there's also a different standard 1299 heat shield, right? But do you reckon with my bike as it is right now with standard R heat shield fitted whether a pillion hanger assembly will fit or might I have this clearance issue that I've heard about? I haven't had a pillion hanger in front of me up close but the clearance on my bike between the subframe and the top of the heat shield is pretty minimal...
  13. dscn0337.jpg 20150521_105253.jpg DSCN1238.JPG 20150912_102846.jpg Rise and sunny sunshine greetings to you folks and I thought that I'd give you an idea of how I usually saddle up with some pics of trips that I've done over the years, as that's pretty much what's in store for the Panigale... Appreciate most people say it's not the right type of bike for luggage nor perhaps touring but that's how I role... likely my warped sense of humour but funny that panniers aren't really supposed to be put on a Pani-gale! or Pani-R as I call it ;) I haven't double-checked posting rules, but I hope that I'm not breaking any by uploading photos of anything non-Ducati! Go easy on me, the Pani R is my first Ducati, you gotta start somewhere...
  14. Just in case any of you are wondering, the aim of getting myself the pillion seat is thinking ahead to strapping panniers to the Pani R. If I get myself the seat, then might as well get foot pegs too (if they fit) to carry the odd pillion once in a blue moon, although most of this revolves around fitting luggage to my new bike. So... speaking of the pillion seat, apparently a Panigale 1299 seat will fit my Pani R... from the little research I've done myself mixed in with a little conflicting info that I've found on the interweb too!, apparently 899/959/1199/1299 pillion seats are all the same, is that correct?
  15. By looking at the shape of the standard heatshield I would guess the hangers will not fit , if you can wait until next week I will offer one up to my bike and let you know,you may want to look at the sato tie down hanger that bolts where the hangers go, no foot pegs but will offer you a good strapping point or may be look at a multistrada with all that luggage :cool:
  16. Cracking job and let me know how you get on with the hangers when you can, in the meantime I'll check out this Sato hanger that you mentioned ;) I'll keep the more upright tourer option on standby for when my back decides to pack in!
  17. The 899 and 1199 have a different tail unit to the 1299 and new 1199R and I'm fairly sure the old pillion seat will not fit. The 1299 pillion seat should fit on the R as it's the same tail unit. I'm not sure about 1299 pillion foot pegs if you have an akra full system but I can't think of any reason why they would not fit with a standard system? I've not actually seen a 1299 with pillion seat but presume it's available as per the older Pani? anyone have any pictures??

    Thats some serious amount of luggage. I can confirm that the Pani is way better without it! I did similar through Europe a couple years back and was very relieved when I was able to remove it all. Still topped it out on the Autobahn mind :)
  18. Crikey you guys take way too much luggage. Even a weeks tour in alps consists of only a US20 for me. No rucksack either.
  19. Cheers for the update and just to keep things as simple as possible, I think I'll stick to getting a 1299 pillion seat. Some ads that I've found suggest that the seats from the earlier 1199 and some other model are compatible with mine, but you know what the internet is like! One Ducati dealer has gone as far as saying he's 99% sure that a 1299 seat should fit my Pani R, another that he's certain it will fit even though he's never tried so I'll run with that.
    Your mention of the autobahn reminds me of when I tried the same when in Deutschland on the white bike pictured above (it'd be wrong of me to name it on here!?;) and the pop up tent that I had strapped to tail pack flew onto the under seat exhaust, ended up melting along with part of my rear brake light cluster... since then I'm a lot more careful with securing luggage to bikes!
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