Principal seemed pretty good last year so I went with them. You never really know until you have to make a claim but hey. I have however had a really amusing renewal notice: Last years premium £245.64 This year £1,311.35 Hmmmm, that's over 500% increase. Tough decision. So I called them and suggested there was some kind of mistake. The female on the other end of the line agreed that it seemed odd and promised to call back within an hour. That didn't happen. I can see me switching to MCE as they cover my ST4. I'll let you know but to be fair last year when I spoke to Principal they were realistic and straight forward to deal with. We'll see. Can anybody beat a 550% increase? It just made me laugh, what a waste of paper and postage.
I got an insurance quote on my old mans gt3 a few years back which came out at 33k lol But not had that much of a hike! Mce used to try and shaft me every renewal with a sizeable price hike though, however not that big
My Carole Nash renewal increased by 300% this year. No idea why as i have had no claims. It would seem i am not alone in finding this with Carole Nash either. Went with Bikesure instead at the same cost as my previous Carole Nash premium.
Similar situation here with my 998, I was with Justbikes and the price hike was ridiculous, on enquiry I was told that the company I was with wanted to get out of the bike insurance game, hence the rise. I am now with MCE but if that gets hiked up as they seem to in a following year after going with them as new insurer I will then move on to someone else.
I'm waiting for the response that says it's because 50 bikes/scooters/mopeds get nicked every day in London.
BeWiser did that to me. £300 to over £1,000 for a renewal. I went to Carol Nash. Been there since. This years went down £50.
changed from a PH to a PA post code about 15years it doubled yet i am more remote now than i have ever been. they're going on my work insurance this year. no extra cost. (correct use of they're?)
I would'nt go with MCE if you were paying me, absolutely dire customer service. I'm now with Bemoto and what a refreshing change, I can't recomend them enough.
Unfortunately I tried Bemoto and they could not give a competitive quote for one bike but they were very good if I was prepared to put one of my other Ducati's with them. I use MCE because they are the cheapest and I barely use my bike, I have heard some horror stories about them though, they are not my favoured insurer but I will see what next year brings.
My brother just broke down on a European trip. MCE his insurers were excellent and picked up all his costs and helped get his alternator on his Aprilia fixed. Can't say fairer than that. And they give you 6 months European cover.
Ducati Insurance once tried to put my premium up by 42%, after a completely uneventful year. I rang them up to "see what they could do". The guy I spoke to went away for advice and came back with a premium hike of 45%. We then parted company for a few years. I originally thought, "Surreal", but then realised that this was evidence of the insurance industry's abuse of antitrust laws.
Did you do a multi bike with DMC @El Toro? I'm contemplating this with our bikes next time round with both myself and Helen on the Policy but not sure how that would effect her accumulation on NCD for bringing her premium down over time...
I did. In short last year my multi bike policy through Carole Nash was £510 (covered all sorts of stuff including helmet/leathers and had a £700 XS) which I was happy with. This year CN sent me a renewal for the same cover at £986. So I call my best friend's sister who is a manager there asking her to get one of her minions to call me. When they did I ask if that's the best they can do. Yes says they....that's the best we can do, sorry. Not good enough after being a customer of theirs for nigh on 25 years, in my opinion. Quick call to DMC/Principal and I get the same cover with a £400XS quoted at £412. So I call CN to tell them, and lo and behold they said they'd match it!!! Told them there and then they could go forth and multiply, and I switched to DMC. The story doesn't end there though.......................a couple of weeks later I get home from work to 3 letters from CN (all sent the same day and all saying the same thing - their bureaucracy and admin is atrocious and I've told them before on numerous occasions!) saying thanks for your continued custom etc etc and the fuckers had taken £986.32 out of my account!!! I rang them immediately to complain and sure enough they see on my file that I did cancel with them on 23rd March. So I asked why they would "steal" this money from my account, and should I involve the police. Lots of to-ing and fro-ing ensued with a customer services manager eventually calling me who apologised profusely several times and finally offered £100 compensation for my trouble. I am seriously pissed off with CN and would like to say I'd never use them again. But I'd never say never. Just in case.
Do you guys use comparison sites to look for a quote or individual? I know some comparison sites does not inc. some insurance companies. My insurance goes from £440 to £890 with a search rather then renewal so i need to look for a better one shortly.
Thanks for the clarification El T Insurance companies are a bloody joke in the way they carry on at times and what they get away with is bloody shocking. It does make me wonder how many less proactive and cautious people get well and truly screwed over by the unscrupulous companies without even realising it... As you say though, never say never about using them again as next time your looking for quotes you'll be a shiney new customer who's wonga they would love to get there hands on again and will most probably come up trumps with a competitive quote for you. The DMC premium you managed to get this year sounds very reasonable though, good to know for next time round
When I P/Ex'ed my 2015 Multi for a new 2017 Multi, insured with Ducati Insurance (i.e. Ramasis Ltd), I called them to make the swap over. I expected a modest charge. But the extra charge was as much again as the original premium for a whole year. I paid it under protest, and immediately wrote complaining. After looking into my complaint they responded to the complaint agreeing that yes, they had made a mistake, yes they had charged me too much, and yes they would refund £165 into my account, which they did. I still think I have been overcharged slightly, but I was rather mollified by the way they took my complaint seriously instead of just binning it. When you are renewing your insurance for the year, you always have the option of switching to another provider if you can find one. But if you are making a change part-way through the year you are pretty much over a barrel. Switching mid-year is not really feasible, which the insurance companies know very well.
Trying to sort mine out as we speak it's gone from £1000 full comp with mods declared to £2600!!! Only change is I now have 3 points, how do they get any with it
Sorted. Gone with MCE, added it to my multi bike policy. £202 takes me through to December when the policy is due for renewal. Principle did come down to a mere 900 odd quid. 'I'll pass' was my reply. They couldn't explain why it had gone up so much.