1200 DVT Hacksaw To The Butterfly

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Wayne58, Apr 1, 2017.

  1. 20170428_175303_resized.jpg Got you you lill fucker lol
    Thanks for the info guys! Perfect!
    #41 Glenn M, Apr 28, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2017
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  2. Nice one, notice a difference??
  3. Surely - the thing that seizes anyway is the shaft / mechanism tha has the bearings - rather than the butterfly?

    If it was just the butterfly then agree your mod solves issue.

    As mine has never seized - just curious...
  4. My exhaust butterfly vavle mechanism seized and the engine light came on.
    It was eventually replaced under warranty but before it was the dealer tried a short cut (disconnected the motor cables) but the DVT's slightly advanced system showed this up and the light cam back on after the dealer reset it.
    So I'm guessing removing the 'butterfly' itself (as above) would still leave a light on if the mech was already seized?
  5. Yes, but with the butterfly removed, the engine restriction you face (5-6000 rpm limit) when it seizes shut is gone, and on the DVT at least, I've had no warning if mechanism seizes, so as long as the butterfly gone, I don't care if it seizes. The shaft and spring that are left in-situ don't restrict the engine rpm . As an added bonus, when the valve normally pulls in at 3000 ish rpm, there's a little more punch and noise from the motor, with no butterfly there.
  6. My butterfly seized shut 3 times in Spain, with no dash warning, hence why I was confident of removing it, so I imaging the warning is if it seizes open , where mine was seizing shut, all good now though, and I drilled it out over a 1000 miles ago, no warning and all is well.
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  7. Haven't tried it yet but just seeing how restrictive it was in there I'm sure it will be an improvement for sure!
  8. maybe a stupid question, but how did you manage to fit the spring over the cable?
    That end stop isn't removable I assume?

    also, if the valve is in the open position when the bike is off, than the spring method is the logical way?
    Every part is in place, everything moves, only the valve doesn't move since its disconnected from the cable mechanism?
    #48 Riko, May 1, 2017
    Last edited: May 1, 2017
  9. Just forced one end over the cable and screwed it on untill it was all on. Seems to work a treat.

    Sent from my SM-T580 using Tapatalk
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  10. :grinning:[/QUOTE]
    What is the benefit?
  11. What is the benefit?[/QUOTE]
    They seize shut regularly and restrict rpm to about 6k
  12. What is the benefit?[/QUOTE]

    No real benefit other than sound really.

    But like Wayne said, if it doesnt work properly you'll suffer disadavantages rather than benefits.

    When find some space and time, I'm gonna dremel the valve out, so that everyting else can still work.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. It has been one of my lady first issue, but the dealer, under warrenty, just cut the cable and lock the butterfly to be open all time
  14. More sound for sure... nice and smooth :p
  15. Had an 'idiot!!' moment yesterday - used a combo of 4mm drill bits and dremel to cut of the welded screw heads, all spot on until I lost grip of the butterfly disc and it fell into the cat!!!!! removed cat and cant the life of me get the disc out! Gutted!!
  16. Doh!!! Hit it harder with a bigger hammer :)
  17. yeah i certainly had the rage with it last night, my arms were pumping lol! Ive decided to stop waiting and order the Arrow works titanium with decat, might as well while Ive got the 10 tonn cat off! Just hope it turns up before my Scotland tour on the 11th June!
  18. Should bloody hope so, not even June yet. Good luck butter fingers!! :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. I've got nothing to add to this thread other than I think "Hacksaw to the Butterfly" would be a fantastic name for a band or an album :)
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  20. If you need to look down inside the deep dark catalyst - you could get one of these:
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