So what have you done today..?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by figaro, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. I want less wood. I've got loads to get rid of. And not the keep you warm at winter in the wood burner type stuff either.
  2. just needs a small tub of Nasturtiums daintily plonked in the middle of that green stuff and your done - sit back with a beer. .....
    your welcome, Monty.
  3. Spent an hour looking for a spacer I dropped yesterday whilst taking half of my bike apart to get to the header pipe......
  4. I've had a good day in the Cairngorms. It was 30C there at one point this afternoon.

    I'm now back home and bolloxed after a 17 hour day.
  5. Reminds me of my day yesterday T...have a shower, chillax and get the missus to serve you ice cold drinks all nite!...worked for moi yesterday! lol...hope the day was rewarding and productive for you.
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  6. @bradders yeah was good fun mate cracking evening for it, gary enjoyed him self i think.
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  7. I went in the car to Ogwen, walked up to the slabs hoping to find an odd number in a group to pair up but didn't happen. Did an easy route on my own then went back picked up my bag and headed up.

    Error. I had 750ml of water left having drunk one already. Then commenced huge climb up Glyder Fawr which would have been fine had it not been up steep scree that was kicking out heat like a sauna. In a dehydrated and mildly panicky state at the summit I completely missed my intended decent and pitched In completely the wrong direction choosing easier ground instead of useful direction. I ended up in Llanberis pass 8 road miles from car. Hitched back thankfully via 2 blokes kind enough to stop and take me as far as they could.

    ill stick to the bike tomorrow methinks!

    Edit: my bag had 50m of rope, full climbing rack, harness and all the other mountain gubbins. Heavy!
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  8. Spend some time at Donnington....
    IMG_6649.JPG IMG_6650.JPG IMG_6662.JPG IMG_6663.JPG IMG_6665.JPG IMG_6670.JPG IMG_6676.JPG IMG_6682.JPG
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  9. Last night Me and a few friends went to see a band called Besnard Lakes play at a deserted Manchester venue.
  10. Got the Elsie out for a birthday ride to Scammonden - moorlands roads and a woman in a people carrier pulled a u-turn in front of me, then another on my avenue cut the corner coming towards me and nearly took me out - marvellous !

    IMG_1683.JPG IMG_1686.JPG IMG_1687.JPG
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  11. I called an old school friend and asked him what was he doing?

    He replied that he is working on "Aqua-Thermal treatment of Ceramics, Aluminium and Steel under a Constrained Environment".

    I was very impressed.

    On further inquiring, I learned that he was actually "washing dishes with hot water" (under his wife's supervision)
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  12. IMG_1298.JPG


    Yesterday I went to my dealer's to pick up the bike he is lending me for the rest of the season, or until he has finished fixing mine. What a stonking motorcycle the 999 is. It's essentially the same as mine in red, with a few detail changes and 30'000 fewer kilometres, and, I suspect, a tooth more on the rear sprocket (I need to ask). And guess what? It feels exactly like riding mine - no better, no worse, except that it starts reliably and doesn't stall unexpectedly. My dealer told me that it is worth a miserable CHF 5k, tops. That's about £4k. That really is an awful lot of bike for your money. I had great fun riding it yesterday and have ridden it to work today. Nice to finally be back on two fast wheels.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Stunning bike :)
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  14. thought you preferred standard ? Rumour has it they fetch decent money (my money is usually indecent) :broken_heart:
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  15. Great pics, I'll bet it sounds and smells fab!
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  16. Weather good for weekend stealth raid on that French quality meat? BBQ beckoning again?
    #36238 TT600, May 26, 2017
    Last edited: May 26, 2017
  17. Nah, they go for buttons :) honest.
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  18. I seem to have spent most of today writing up my report on my visit and meetings in Cairngorm yesterday. I'm sure I've done more than that. It feels as though I have but I'm buggered if I can see any evidence of it. :confused:
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