One for the conspiracy theorists

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by XxAnthxX, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. Perhaps the earth is made of moon....and we're all made of stars...:cool:

    Thai anyone...? :biggrin:
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  2. :tongue: Your mistaking that from Brighton Rock. Sorry, that was a really shitty joke. Oh and yes I didnt get the point :frown:. I would like to blame being at work, but I was skiving at the time :tongue:
  3. i didnt bother to watch the documentary, mind you, if it was on channel 5 it will be absurd bullshit...however, i have watched several other 'intelligent' docs and read a book or two which looks at the FACTS and the EVIDENCE...

    in my view i think that they did go to the moon, however, i also think that it is very probable that some of the images and footage could have possibly been taken before the landings took place for numerous political and even broadcasting reasons.
    There is a famous spoof moon landing documentary (the name of which escapes me) that it well worth watching..its very dry ad serious and makes claims that stanley kubrick filmed all the sequences etc etc and gradually becomes more absurd as the film progresses..i bet its on youtube.
  4. I didnt watch the program so where they saying it was a hoax or real?
  5. I didn't watch the programme for the simple reason that I can't be arsed reassessing perfectly good history just so some fools on the internet can amuse themselves and make their humdrum existences more interesting by inventing futile conspiracy theories.

    The earth isn't flat, and the sun doesn't revolve around it either.
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  6. Oh come on..........everyone that matters knows it's a turtle...
  7. Ahem, actually, we are all made from matter that used to be stars.
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