Thinking about getting a SF848 - Reviews needed :)

Discussion in 'Streetfighter' started by JPMTS1200, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. Greetings,

    Life play with us ... always ... for that reason i have to sell my Multi1200S and i´m thinking of buying a SF848 (preference a used one) in a few months from now.
    I´m asking help from this forum members - specially the ones who know what a Multistrada feels like and a SF848.
    How´s the handling of the SF848? Is it comfy enough for some long rides (at lower speeds of course)?
    One more thing, how about the ride height of this bike, the Multi is taller than the SF848 or is it the same height?

    Thanks all! All the input you guys can give will be very appreciated.

  2. You say longer rides but in what sense? In a day to cover 400 miles+? or a weekend covering 300 miles?
    I do around 14K a year on my bike and i can say this is more comfy than my last 2011 fireblade, so far i have done just shy of 5K and i love it, ok wind blast is a problem above 95mph but that is the way the bike is. Handling is ten times more fun than the blade. Seat height is quite high if you are 5ft nothing i guess? running costs like fuel compared to the strada will be 40% better i guess due to the weight difference .
  3. Go and try one :smile:
  4. Yep.

    I rode both at a demo day, they are two completely different bikes! I got on better with the SF848, much more nimble - lower seat height, much quicker steering, very quick! I have a review of both bikes on here somewhere?
  5. 470four: you are saying that the SF848 has a lower seat height? where´s the link to the comparison between both bikes?

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  6. Cheers mate for the input! Lovely bike your SS :D
  7. Rode mine to WDW no problems - I don't have wind issues ??? Unless riding over 100 for long stints

    Great bike - dont get a multi unless your over 50 (runs for cover)
  8. No problem! Quite liked the SF, my only gripe was the "challenged" look of the engine, looked like it was made of vacuum-cleaner parts/by the Red Dwarf special effects team??

    If an engine is going to be on show it has better have some fins on it. :smile:
  9. I already have a Multi and love it to bits. But it has to go for personal reasons but i can´t stay without wheels for much longer...
    In replacement i need a smaller bike, to ride to the coffee and back - kind of - not a bike to ride around the world.
    Therefore i was wondering about the Streetfighter 848, smaller, lighter, and probably lower seat height which to me is important as it was my biggest grip with the Multi on bumpier terrains (i mean ups and downs).

    Thanks and more input is appreciated from SF848 users.

  10. I couldn't decide whether the steering was heavy or it felt planted to the road?
    (That was after a 796 though)
    It was definitely a giggle and would like a longer go to fully explore the grin factor
  11. Do you have a dealer nearby - take it for a decent spin

    I love mine and there is no other bike I'd rather own - it's much more comfy than it looks - done 7.5 trouble free miles this year

    What are the roads like round you ? you may find it a bit hard work if the roads get out of shape , maybe a hyper would be better ?
  12. Only 7.5 miles?? :biggrin: +1 on taking one for a testride, the two bikes are worlds apart! I would LOVE to take the Multi touring, pillion, a perfect distance bike! Day to day or funtime - I found it a bit if a handful...
  13. Yes at 8 miles it had melted a hole in the front fairing - meh
  14. Having owned 2 Fireblades and being 50+ and having a back problem due to Motorcross injuries, I decided I needed a more vertical seating position but without loss of power. The SF1098 seemed to be the bike with the right spec. I had arranged a test ride at my nearest dealer, but the battery was flat and time was limited on my side, so they lent me a SF848S. My opinion that it ran out of steam in each gear too soon, bit like riding a 600 sportbike. I eventually went on to buy a SF1098 (more power, less gear changes) and love it, the power points took a little getting used to after the Blade but that was soon sussed and is now far more fun in the twisties than the Blade ever was.
    Seat height can be adjusted by slipping the yokes down the forks a little, which also serves to keep the front wheel on the floor a bit more. Cheap adjustable rearsets from can also help tune your riding position. Best advise is to make use of your local Ducati dealer and take a test ride
  15. Fairing? We are in the SF thread here aren't we?
  16. Well the plastic bits that hide the shite at front of engine that don't qualify as a belly pan
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