Difference between British and Americans

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by MADASL, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. Nice - just one point to note (wishing to maintain some balance to the argument but finding it hard)

    Falklands - our Harriers suddenly had the latest American 'Sidewinder' missile delivered, fitted, tested, and cleared before the task force reached the danger zone. There may have been some assistance given to help along a process that can take years.
  2. Read Vulcan 607. The yanks let us use their airbase as well. They didnt seem to happy about it thou
  3. I married an American.

    Hindsight dictates it was the most retarded & expensive thing I ever did? :rolleyes:

    Lived in Maine, found the Yanks to be largely a harmless lot who will talk to anyone & LOVE their food. :biggrin:

    Maine is just under Canada & had some Epic weather, known for having six months of Winter - Jan/Feb it got down to minus 30C :eek: Like REALLY fucking cold!




    (no guttering - they snap off when filled with ice)



    Driving was very relaxed - no corners or roundabouts (I think there were two roundabouts in the next state, the number of accidents there by confused drivers was needless to say very high.:biggrin:) everybody happy to pootle along at a max 55mph? I borrowed her brothers Harley for a blap round - in their natural territory they are quite a smileworthy ride! No helmet law, 30deg heat, straight smooth roads!

    Went hunting with her other brother in Maines acres of woodland, I had his pump-action shotgun, he had somehow acquired an M16! Many man-points... :biggrin:
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  4. Few more pics:






    The Infamous "Collosalburger"... Sadly I couldnt manage it all & had to box the remains & have it for lunch the day after!
  5. If you're referring to Ascension Island, it's true that in 1982 at the start of the Falklands conflict Washington at first refused Britain permission to use the USA-operated airfield facilities for refuelling RAF jets. The Americans soon conceded - they could hardly refuse, given that it is a British colony.
  6. Kato fact they could and did elect G.W. Bush-y shows that democracy kind off works there does it not? It also proves their bellowed American dream crap. Anyone can go to the top no matter how stupid you are. Besides with all his stupidity speeches that he made provide endless amount of entertainment ;).
    I mean come which other country has that:

    #26 Lucazade, Dec 13, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  7. And most of these are from US.

    #27 Lucazade, Dec 13, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  8. That's a great book about a great aircraft.

    Could have been written by Capt. W. E. Johns.
  9. Yep and indeed yep :tongue:
  10. Another month, another American gun massacre. Cue the wailing and wringing of hands. Whilst it is a tragedy (again), it's a pretty avoidable tragedy. But nothing will change, because at the end of the day, the Americans prefer a regular massacre to giving up their right to own all sorts of cheap guns.

    The yanks are obsessed with firearms - truly obsessed. I'd be interested to know the yearly percentage of films without a gun in them compared to those with a gun.

    Now the president will fly to pay respects, and everyone will be very sorry, but no one will do anything at all to stop this sort of thing. In another couple of months there will be another one.

    That's one of the big differences between the Brits and the Yanks.
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  11. They all think they're John Wayne, that's the problem.
    #32 El Toro, Dec 15, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
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  13. The Americans understand customer service. The British have vaguely heard of the concept but have decided to carry on regardless.
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  14. Great Britain thinks that its a superpower.
    USA knows that its still a superpower.
  15. The prison population in UK is about 0.15% of the total population. In USA it is about 0.73% (i.e. about five times higher). Most European nations are much lower again. Roughly 10% of the American populace are ex-cons who have done prison time, and in some areas a much higher proportion even than that. That's what "land of the free" means - people who have been freed from prison after serving their sentences.
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  16. That doesn't sound correct, 31.2 million Americans have done prison time?
  17. Just for balance and it does pain me to point this out , especially as i am ex services ( Submariner) but the British are not above friendly fire incidents.

    During practice for the D day invasion 2 landing craft full of americans were destroyed by the Royal Navy off the English coast. Hundreds, yes Hundreds were killed in a single and monumental screw up.Funnily enough it was hushed up for many years.

  18. ....[​IMG] - Excellent line. - Nice one Pete.
  19. Not entirely sure if I should laugh or cry for that one?! :eek:

    Hang on a minute is that not entire Australia?

    Also in uk prison population is lower as you keep letting people out or not giving jail sentences as there is not enough space in prison. Stupid idea but build more prisons, even like in US huge wall, canteen for workers and prisoners in tents done.
    #39 Lucazade, Dec 15, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  20. Or just hang 'em...
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