Anyone had/ having starting problems with a 959? Only had mine a week and first few rides started up first time no problem, including Saturday morning. Decided to take it out again in the evening but thing would not fire up. Brief splutter once but other than that just turns over. Left it overnight with battery on charge (just in case) but same result yesterday. Found some posts elsewhere from 2016 which sound very similar issues but wondered if anyone in here has experienced the same? Dealer will be getting a call this morning .... Cheers
Tried both with and without. Dealer mentioned same to me also earlier today so will make conscious effort to stay away from the throttle. Thanks
Few things to try until dealers look at it. 1. Change to wet mode for start up then change to desired mode when (if) it starts. 2. Pressing the starter button for slightly longer than 'normal' until it fires. 3. If the above fail, turn off the bike & wait until you hear the 'click' after about 60-90 seconds (or whenever it is). Repeat 1 & 2 above. Good luck , let us know how you get on.
I know it sounds daft but as Rosso said holding the starter button longer helps. I had same problem with my 959 and coming from Jap bikes found I wasn't pressing for long enough
The battery has to be in perfect or near perfect condition to provide enough juice to not only spin the motor but run the ecu as well. What does the voltage read on the dash? You could try jumping the battery/motor off another vehicle to eliminate the possibility of the battery being the problem.
Hi Yeah that was my first thought on Saturday night so attached the Optimate and left it to charge overnight but still no luck next day. Also went into the settings -> battery menu. Voltage was 13.9 so should have been enough
New bike.....week old. Should be able to start re of what mapping you select. Back to the dealer imo.
A possibility indeed......i know when i first fired up an 1199 it almost flooded as i hadnt depressed the starter for long enough. Only happened the once
All 959's have the cold starting issue. I worked with my dealer and Ducati and now there is a fix. They applied a new FI map and have a new APS/TPS reset process. I had the issue constantly before the fix, and it has been 100% flawless since. I had it done three weeks ago, about 2,000 miles in that time.
Thanks - I read similar posts on other blogs etc about problems with 959 cold starting. Some said, as someone did on an earlier post here, that can switch off and wait couple of mins for everything to reset and then try again.
We figured out that letting the ECU reset usually allows it to start the second time. Not waiting that couple minutes just meant frustration.
Cheers to all for the advice - left the throttle well alone and gave it a little longer and fired up no problem