Best Way To Bring Extra Visor

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by torepuma, Jun 7, 2017.

  1. I would like to know what solution people prefer when the bring an extra visor. I would like to bring an extra visor without a backpack and preferably on the inside on my one piece leathers. Will a pouch like this work? I am thinking that I can strap it around my waist on the inside of the suit.
  2. I have an arai and the arai visor holder. I just use the natural curve of the visor to place it around my midrift under my jacket and use the strap to clip it firmly but loosely around it. Simplez.

    However I rarely carry a spare clear visor. Even when I sojourn over to Franco (nxt wednesday woohoo). I dont ride at night generally as a rule. Dark visor only for me as I am too sexy and blooming fantastic. But thats just me.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Arai visor holder for me as well. Works ok.
  4. Oxford do one for £9.99.
    Works for me, even when I'm using pinlock stuff...
  5. I'd be scared it'd cut me up like a meat slicer In the event of an off. Would it not be safer to carry externally?
    Personally I carry safety specs incase the light drops.
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  6. You know that's a really good idea.

    I only ever need a spare (clear) visor for when I do long distances and tours, just in case I get caught when it starts getting dark.

    Simple pair of clear safety specs would work for me
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  7. I use a pair made by honeywell, they have a foam type lip around the outside to cut out a bit of draft that makes the eyes water
    Honeywell Dura-streme
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  8. Screen Shot 2017-06-07 at 19.27.45.png
    The honey wells give both facilities, band or arms. I'd never get the band on with a full face helmet.
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