At any given moment about 2 million people are in custody in USA (federal, state, local jails or arrest). Most of them are inside for only a few days, weeks, or months before release. Thus in the course of a given year nearly 5 million have done some time inside. Over the course of several years, and allowing for repeat offenders, that easily adds up to 31 million people. Those figures look plausible to me. There are some districts where 30% (yes, thirty per cent) of black males have done time.
Lower than what? The UK prison population (around 80,000) is higher in proportion than in other Western European countries and higher than it used to be, but lower than some eastern European ones. USA is of course many times higher. Letting people out? Well yes, prisons do let people out all the time. Prisoners complete their sentences, or are given parole, or are allowed bail. Most serve a few weeks, months or years. So what's your point?
Lower then US as per your own post. In US you can get convicted for 100, 200 years of jail time. Even with good behaviour you are not leaving at your own steam. In uk many criminals get supervision order as there is no space in jail, many get released early to make space for others.In US if you run out of jail space they build temporary jails in recreation areas. Sorry uk's prison population is lower because many do not go to jail when they should. Crime rate is lower then US yes but not as much as prison population. Finally US has two strike and out rule. Repeat offenders are unlikely to see day light in most of states.
If I had my way our prisons would be quite a bit emptier too . None of those long time lifers would be there . They would all be long gone , but , the do good brigade think that keeping them locked up for ever is better . For who I`m not so sure.
One of the main differences is that apparently only 14% of US Americans own a passport! One can understand then why when asked where I was from, and having answered South Africa, the reply was "oh wow, is that near Africa" From the Monica Levensky era, why it's better to be British than America.... Speak a better English when we have a world cup, we invite other nations when going down before our head of state we only have to do so on one knee )
If this is the one you're thinking about, it was actually a flotilla of 9 fast German torpedo boats which surprised the D day practice off the S Devon coast on 28th April '44. 749 Sailors and soldiers in landing craft died. Apparently the patrolling R N ships were on a different radio frequency to the US landing craft and the R N ships assumed that the landing craft knew that the Germans had been sighted some way off when they received the warning. A cock up of major proportions. There is a memorial to the dead at Slapton Sands. The hush up at the time was official to avoid negative news.
Im a Prison Officer, dont ask me what I think of the left wing crap that happens here that does NOT happen there. Google Joe Arpaio, what a cracker. In a recent interview............... Interviewer. ''Governor, why do you make the prisoners wear pink?'' Joe, ''Because they dont like it.''
AlanP I guess that's the one yes. The article i read claimed it was the British that sank them hence the point about us being just as good at friendly fire. Your account makes more sense and hopefully is closer to the truth. Bad to hear anyone get killed in war but much worse when its not the enemy.
There are almost 300 million privately owned firearms in the USA — there is a gun in four out of every 10 of American homes -
Canada has more registered guns then US and more per every citizen. Watch bowling for Columbia he gives exact figures there. Now on subject difference: For American these are examples of bad driving, he needs to pop in to London
In South Africa many crimes were commited to steel firearms! Many people were shot with their own firearms. The usual operandi was, gain access to the house, hold up the family and tie them up. Threaten the man in the house to open the gun safe! Once the safe is open, shoot the husband, rape the wife and run! Ive fired guns, in fact I like firing guns, but I dont believe they make us safer!