950 Multi Lowering

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Morty, Jun 4, 2017.

  1. Estimate the costs of a modification... reduce the possibility of laying the bike down due to foot slipping'
  2. Dad's missus would see the traffic lights go red and reduce her speed to about 2mph for the 300 yards to the lights so that she never had to put her foot down.

    Had her suspenders resprung and much happier on the bike now. Well worth it.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Oh I love forums! full of such helpful advice! I asked and I could not get an answer that suited my needs, so I made a decision not to change at the moment. If you have a suggestion that would be helpful I would be only too pleased to hear it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Good advice thanks
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  5. Cheers Mark, we all can share idea's & mulling over decisions about this & that. Some of the stuff I've done to my motorbikes over the years have been wasteful but at the time I felt good about it. Upgrading suspension on my winter hack front & rear, huge outlay & money I'll never see again but ..life carrys on!
  6. I have the 1200 and felt the same as you when I got it. Some miles under my belt now and it all feels fine. I think it just takes getting used to. Love it now.

    Regards Steve
  7. Thanks Steve that's very helpful advice and what I thought may be the case for me. I am going to persevere for a while whilst looking for a solution that will not adversely affect the handling. Hopefully like you I will get used to it. Best Mark
  8. read back, I did offer advice that I thought was not only helpful, but easy for you to do.
    Tell me what solution were you looking for if you didn't intend on doing what a lot of members on here suggested? apart from the comedy input there have been some good suggestions and I cant think of many other way of solving your problem other than getting smaller wheels.
  9. Apologies I missed that it was you in your original thread. Thanks for the suggestion. Krgds Mark
  10. @Mark Mortimore I know you dismissed platform boots, but have you had a look at the Daytona M Star boot. ?
  11. Many thanks Broke, no I haven't, I wish I had known about them, I recently bought a pair of Daytona Spirit GTX which I love. Cheers Mark
  12. If they are fully soled (i.e. Not built in to the surround) a cobbler may be able to build in a wedge
  13. IMG_2558.JPG
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. Using GZBZ's formula, it could be cheaper to get a second pair of boots ?
  15. :thinkingface: Yes indeed that is good advice, Daytona here I come! Thanks
  16. Oh flippin Ek it's never easy is it!! the largest size they make is 43 and I'm a 44! Seems people with short legs are not supposed to have large feet :confused:
  17. If your really interested Mark I'd give them a try, they were only just to tight for me and I'm a 10 1/2
  18. p.s. With you on the short leg big feet thing o_O
  19. Yes indeed, thanks I'll try a pair. M
  20. they will make larger sizes.
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