1299 Just How Comfy Is The Dp Seat Compared To That Razorblade Oem One?

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by bootsam, Jun 5, 2017.

  1. I bought the comfort seat and it makes a massive difference to the.....erm comfort. Loads better. Le-Mans to Cheshire in one hit, no numb bum
  2. I tried both before I went round Europe on the 899. Race seat was much better than comfort. Could ride all day with the race seat.
  3. DP Race seat arrived today. In nick of time as Im off to alps tomoz. I'll review its performance compared to oem on my return. :)

    Thanks Craig at MR. Very quick service.
  4. I think my OEM seat is just fine.
  5. The DP seat moves my legs just enough to get rid of most of the heat.
  6. I've used the comfort seat from day one never had any monkey butt. Grippy also.
  7. For ninsey, tensey, elevensy, or twelvey ? o_O
  8. For twelvey. Im in troyes france and i got monkey butt. Goddamit. Im on the beers now. Aneasthetic.
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  9. Hi, are you still selling your DP seat?
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  10. Its official. The DP seat is shit. Well, for me it is. It hurts my perineum after a while. Its too narrow at the front. Dunno if the 'Comfort Seat' is any better. Why couldnt they just ape the Superpole seat from the 1198 etc. That was actually a comfy seat. Thus I shall be hunting for a new seat. I am open to a swap for a comfort seat if anyone is interested. Its fine if you are slid back doing motorways, but I tend to sit nuts at tank everywhere else.

    Plus I need to address the sliding backwards and forwards under acceleration/braking. My knees dont go where the grip pads would go, so theyre pointless. I grip where those plastic frame covers are. BTW, anyone know how to remove those? I'd like to put some heat tape inside. Ive ordered some gold stuff from demon tweeks for akro 'heat shield'. Which Ive put in commas coz it aint shielding fuck all. :) I need some asbestos pants in traffic but this I can address easily enough. The seat though, thats a big problem.
  11. My brother took his seat to an upholsterer and had it refoamed and padded to his seating style after she spent a fair while looking how he sat before removing the seat and going to work on it, he paid under £150 and says he now has the comfiest chair ever, maybe worth a question or two to someone local to you ?
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  12. Yeah, I may do that Wayne. I may use the OEM seat as a test mule. See how that goes with a variety of differing padding etc. After all, I shall have this bike for the next 5yrs.
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  13. I only did 120 or so miles over the weekend but the comfort seat is so much better than the OEM one. I like the red stitching too ☺️
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