1299 1299s Abs Fault

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by carson, Jun 13, 2017.

  1. Hi guys,

    Looking for a bit of advice if anyone can help. I've hardly done any miles on the Panigale since I got it but early on in ownership the abs light started to come on and stay on constantly. It would go out and then reappear for a while but now it seems to be on all the time.
    I removed the ABS sensors and cleaned them and this seemed to cure it for about 100 miles and now it's on constantly again.
    I'd take it along to Ducati with it being under warranty but it's in Spain and when I contacted the dealer in Murcia, they didn't speak English and ignored the emails I've sent.

    Can anyone shed any light on diagnosing the problem? What diagnostic kit is available for fault finding on the 1299?
  2. Where is the bike registered? If (say) it's an English bike in Spain you should be covered by Ducati Assist. They should be able to help you with translation between Spanish and English.
    I believe that there is a diagnostic tool that you can run on a laptop with suitable cables. I can't remember it's name but it replaced Ducati Diag (and Guzzi Diag - which I used to use on my RSV4 with great effect). Your problem is probably one of the wheel sensors.
  3. Yeah, I thought it would be the wheel sensor but how to you determine which one. I'll call Ducati assist when I'm back out in Spain in a few weeks.
    I'm thinking how do I diagnose problems I the future when there's no warranty?
  4. Learn Spanish and make friends with your dealer in Murcia! :)
  5. By that time the warranty will be out...
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