Chris at CJS in louigi moto nr bristol is your man for mapping. I rode a nutty 1198 in and rode a lunatic back home. All whilst getting good economy considering i too rode it like an eedjet.
OK great thanks, I'll do some googling. Anywhere closer to the Midlands that is recommended? Do JHP ducati at Coventry do mapping? Am I best getting the power commander mapped or binning it and having the ducati race ecu re written? If that's even possible.
Chris writes direct to ecu. However he may also do commander. I dont know whats best. I didnt have a commander. Plenty on here will know.
I thought I read somewhere that the ecu can't be mapped below 5k rpm, and thats the reason why you add in a power Commander. May have also dreamt it though. I'll call a few people and see what the recommendations are but thanks a lot for your input!
Congratulations, I think this is the nicest looking Ducati ever made. I used to have one , Its a missile on wheels