British Indy: What Happens Now?

Discussion in 'Wasteland' started by Loz, May 23, 2015.

  1. Full Brexit with "no EU deal" on the 29th March.

  2. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a general election and new negotiations.

  3. Request Extension to article 50 to allow cross party talks and a new deal to be put to EU.

  4. Request Extension to article 50 to allow a second referendum on 1. Remain in EU or 2. Full Brexit.

  5. Table a motion in parliament to Remain in EU WITHOUT a referendum.

  6. I don't know or I don't care anymore

Results are only viewable after voting.
  1. NI is now just a way of taking more money from people without calling it tax.
  2. In general I agree with your post lightening but I wanted to clarify one point. We used to have two different ages for retirement, generally lower for women but that was challenged in Europe as being illegal based on sexual inequality. It would have been nice if they had brought the men's down to match the women's but instead they increased the women's to match the men's, I assumed on the basis we are living much longer than when the age difference was created.

    If you are an anorak this explains a bit from the LSE

    It seems it's not just a U.K. issue though, France and Germany are seeking to raise the age to 67 by 2023 and 2027 respectively

    I think it's also worth mentioning that technically you can retire at any age, it's just you cannot get the state pension and associated benefits till your own countries age limits. If you have a private pension you can get access to it from 55 but you lose a bit I believe , it varies but around 3%.
    #7802 noobie, Jun 15, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2017
  3. Yeah but this bit is the deal breaker

    The company will build the I-PACE, in Austria. But it has indicated it would like to make such models in the UK if conditions such as support from government are met.
  4. Spoil sport :laughing:

    They always say that. Car companies are always given "help" when building new models. :)
  5. Mmm, I wonder how that will effect Germany.
    If the tarriff doesn't effect them buy convincing people to buy UK made 'better value vehicles' why should it be different the other way around?
    Lots of scared and confused people out there but we win on the automotive import/export deal if tarrifs are invoked.
    Now go find something more relevant to your doom mongering - the worst thing about it all is more people with your mamby pamby scaredy cat approach will have a stronger position in government to help the EU screw us over - idiots :)
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Crap Crap x 1
  6. Morning chuckles.

    The same people calling for the same things they called for pre-Brexit vote and packaging it up as soft Brexit which is basically remaining in the EU.
  7. I've been saying this for ages about vehicles imported into the UK, but the Remainian's argument only seems to apply one way. ;)

    I don't know what's happened to this country, honestly. All of the gloom, hand wringing and cowardice shown by Remainians, business and fuelled with glee by the mainstream media.

    If we were beck in 1939 with the same approach as today, they'd be saying we should capitulate to the Nazi's in case we got a bad deal from Hitler. (cue Pete1950 quoting Godwin's law) I despair.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. That's just the car industry doing the same as the financial services and is to be expected. Some areas will slowly be phased in due to their huge amount, others will be able to switch from the eu to the UK at the stroke of midnight. It's only the panickers that are unable to see beyond the next 5 minutes, for most brexiteers this is a long term thing, for some panicky remainers, if something doesn't go their way in the next 5 minutes then we are all doomed, morning duke :grinning:
    • Like Like x 1
  9. Interesting that the professional body that represents 'Motor Manufacturers' does not appear to know what its talking about to some misguided Brexitards..
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  10. pretty sure there's more to uk industry than the motoring sector exe. yip i get it, it's yours and eh his^ area but hayho. i believe its the finance sector in London and edinbro that the driver for the uk economy.hows that fairing? tho the low pound is good for tourism, one of our strong points, but so is exporting. more than a quarter of uk food and drink exports come from up here alone, and most of it to the EU. so do we sit here,say nothing and hope for the best or do we harass. haring and lobby?
    .democracy isnt an event exe. it's a process.
    i didn't know if i was supposed to laugh or cry when i heard Hammond the other day saying no deal was v.bad but accepting a deal to punish or trap us was vv bad.
    wtf? S.o.S fluffy mundel quoted as saying the 2016 Scotland bill around income tax was a trap. we now have to collect more of our own cash (rightly so) rather than rely on the partial refund they call a block grant. so, we have more reliance on income tax but no powers over tax avoidance, at present we have no control over immigration and no likelihood of getting any, especially if we just sit here on our hands and say nothing for the much needed income tax raising to cover our aging population, a v.high proportion from the rest of the uk i believe. and now we are getting the rug pulled from under our feet re exports.
    not to mention the social aspects of being removed from the EU. an EU that accepts reform is necessary and appears to be out growing the uk in terms of economic activity. and thats even before we go near N.Ireland.
    so as you can see there it's a lot more complex than shifting a few cars.
    dude, you will be alright but politics aint for you. don't be one of them ^. it really aint a good look. *wink*smile* :upyeah:
    no noob and noober. i aint responding to your inevitable bolox,
    i is just saying.
    one thing tho, the fiscal frame work in 2016 bill was spotted as a trap and certain reassurances was offered. lets see if it's honored in 4years time.
    • Crap Crap x 1
  11. Is anyone (apart from me, who agrees with everything I said) beginning to think I have been right all along?
    • Crap Crap x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. The comment was a reply to a specific link to the automotive industry - now trot off you pish poor debater :)
    • Funny Funny x 2
  13. cant, some things at the fore front they must be kept. my little apprentice.
  14. Is this the same professional motor manufacturers body that said it knew nothing of volkswagen audi golfs and other car companies fiddling the ecu emissions settings to meet targets they could not have met any other way?
  15. Aww fin, we respond to yours, I thought you wanted equality for all?
  16. You say so much, can you be more specific? :grinning:
  17. A body that was fiercely 'Remain' pre Brexit vote to protect the status quo and hasn't changed it's tune, just the terminology to 'Soft Brexit'

    Do you really want to debate me on Motor Manufacture in this country? What's your experience of it?
  18. Not me, you keep saying wait and see. Why don't you errrr.........wait and see.
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