Difference between British and Americans

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by MADASL, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. Oh funky. Word missing implies lots of reasons. Panorama was about secret CIA prisons I think. With president are you referring to Kennedy? Was not aware it was proven one way or another? I have no doubt other countries have similar atrocities on their head so again not only US.

    In regard of 911 rescuers I dear you to approach a fireman or medic and tell him there might be survivors but do not go and help them as you might get sick or die. Towers were both full of asbestos it was going to be dangerous and unhealthy no matter what.
    Not all wars US took part in were instigated by them. Vietnam started as Russia were providing weapons to Vietnames so US also took side. WW2 was not started by them nor was WW1 that was all us here. As to Pearl Harbour. Think about it in time of war your possible enemy tells you time and place they will attack, would that not be suspicious to you? Desert Storm well unless you have other sources it was Iraq who started it. Second one in Iraq and then Afghanistan kind off agree with you.
  2. firstly...the rescue workers were told that it was SAFE and were given no protective equipment..nothing..asbestos was also the least of their worries..there was lithium, silicon, molten metal and toxic gas..the authorities knew this...certainly rescue workers have a desire to help, but shouldnt they have been given protective equipment? rescue workers are trained that first and foremost they are not to endanger there own lives due to causing yet more chaos and an even bigger situation. these people have been dying year in year out with no recognition, compensation or acknowledgement.
    what the vids of the 911 rescuers...hardly any are wearing any type of respiration gear, most have nothing, a few have hankies over their faces..watch those rescuers knowing that they are almost all dead...everyone of them.
    Would 50,000 willingly have gone in KNOWING that they would die, leaving behind loved ones?? No....theyre rescue workers, not kamikazes.
    america started its war with vietnam due to the Bay of Tonkin incident, nothing to do with Russia..look it up.
    The japanese informed the US army about pearl harbour...this is a fact and was known weeks in advance. the US were also told by other countries and the US air force knew about the armada crossing the pacific..these are all undisputed facts.
    Iraq...us and the yanks supplied the weapons and much of the training. Hussein was an ally of the US and was armed in order to maintain US interests in the region..As comedian Bill Hicks said, if they wanted to know what weapons Iraq had, 'Why dont they just look at the receipts?'....
    JFK..there is no evidence to suggest that he was killed by Oswald..none, never was..all enquiries point to the full knowledge of the CIA..the only question mark was their level of involvement...
    ive been to Dealy plaza and to the museum thats now on the 6th floor...in the corner theyve put up a screen to stop people sitting in the window..this is to stop people seeing how impossible it would have been to have got a shot off from there..never mind the mature tree that is in the direct line of sight of the plaza...
  3. as you know im a cop i have worked 25 years in London i have seen 2 people shot one suicide one murder 1 st hand , we have had 8 shooting deaths country wide so far this year. USA 10,500 and rising gun control works !!!
    im bit worried with cuts effecting customs seen eastern bloc guns finding thier way over here big cuts effecting police crime will rise !
  4. You'd be able to tell me this, Paul. I remember about ten years ago a news report saying that there is as much gun crime reported in London as there is in New York. Bearing in mind this was a good few years ago, is there any truth to that?
  5. Ironically one family left England for a better life for the children in America and lived next door to the gun man.
  6. And the little boy is now dead.
  7. Im thinking there are more shootings in England than we are allowed to hear in the press, on the same basis that a Pit Bull attacking someone will always get a MUCH bigger headline & fuss than someones Labrador having a PMT moment...

    Shopping in Walmart (ASDA) in the States? Best be wearing your trainers... a MASSIVE place where you can buy anything from a pickup truck to shotgun shells over the counter... there are HUNDREDS of thousands of guns there, people shoot other people all the time? We only get to hear about all the real juicy cases where it isn't a case of somebody shooting their work colleague/Boss (could have been there a few times... :biggrin:) but women, children etc - THAT is headline news.

    Destroy all the guns? Mass collection/hand-in's, melt them all down to make - new guns! :rolleyes: Cue secret stockpiling & yet more shooting by crazies in years to come.

    They are by and large a nation of hunters, happiest when out shooting at something (must be good for stress relief?), it has long been my belief the only reason Afghan is still going is that they have an active playground to test weapons on in a real-world scenario without being moaned at because they are forced to blow up parts of their own deserts.
  8. I fully agree.. it is mainly to the ones coming from third world countries that it looks like paradise... europeans are more lucky to live where they live. The question is if what we have can be sustained over longer periods of time. And how far or how close fanatisism ( riligious or other) lies beneath our surface of civilisation. I fear that it is not much further away then in america...
  9. I didn't say "all isolationist". There are many strands in US political life. For the last century, in foreign policy an isolationist strand has struggled with an interventionist strand. At times the isolationists have prevailed, but lately the interventionists have had the upper hand. At the time of the Vietnam war, the isolationists were the anti-war protesters.

    Whatever view you take of 9/11, it had the effect of wiping out isolationism in US, as I said, probably for several years to come.
  10. my history on police is not great, but yes you are right the massacre at Dunblane was 1996 that lead to our massive tightening on our gun laws over in New York at the same time they had a mayor Rudy Gialiano who had a war on crime, zero tolerance approach ,massive rescources and thousands of police officers paid for by private donations ,also crack had stopped being the drug of choice, Also the massive economic growth and feel good factor happening at the time. there was cops shoulder to shoulder in new York

    totallly changed now though :upyeah:
  11. Gun crime and murder rates have always been higher in New York than in London. Crime has vastly reduced in NY in recent years, to such an extent that the rate is now only about double the London rate.
  12. I remember at the time it being said there were double the number of cops per head in New York as opposed to London, and of course the bulk of the sweeney are unarmed, so I guess we're not doing too badly.
  13. What is "gun crime"? In UK it is a serious offence to possess, make, buy, sell or import an unlicensed firearm, or to attempt to do those things. That is what a lot of "gun crime" in UK consists of. Contrast USA, where those kinds of activities barely count as crimes at all. Only actually using a gun to commit a crime by shooting at people is a "gun crime" there. Comparing UK and USA figures is not at all easy.
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  14. What, like this?

    Saw this on TV during a recent visit to the US, on the main networks as well as on the "Doomsday Preppers/Sons of Guns/American Guns/Top ten assault rifles" channels....
    #134 Mr Bimble, Dec 17, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  15. Good point.
  16. If they are terrorists or terrorist suspects then put them on trial, if there's not enough evidence to put them on trial then let them go.
  17. So I guess in UK every fire department and every ambulance would have that equipment for every single employee right there right now? I doubt that. Fact of the matter is there would be no survivors at all if government said no it is not safe we need to wait for 45k units of X equipment to arrive. I do not say it was right but frankly it was that or do nothing. They would be under fire for not doing anything as well. Many fire fighters went in to the towers to fight the blaze despite not having any special equipment designed for that, frankly as there is none designed to fight fire in 40th floor or on any high floor. That was proven number of times in history by fires in tall buildings were fire department resulted to letting it burn out.
    There is plenty of evidence saying those buildings should not have collapsed in way they did or possibly at all. Let's just put everything aside then and assume they did blow them up. Safety precaution maybe just in case they try to collapse sideways, imagine carnage then!!

    In regards of Tonkin incident. Lets look at all the facts. US was in cold war with Russia, Russia being THE enemy so everything else was secondary. North Korea joins Russia so they become THE enemy and have plans to conquer and force south Korea to join as well. South Korea that was a US ally. There was no way in witch Russia could take over South Korea that would not damage US credibility and influence around the world. Many countries that were planning to not join Russia as they were to be protected by US would instantly join Soviet Union that just took from US what they wanted. That incident was nothing more then a way to legally deploy troops in Korea and to legally start a pre-emptive strike to show they will protect any ally. North Korea plaid a hand in favor of US but US quickly burned that hand anyhow.

    With regards to Iraq, so yes they supplied weapons to Iraq at that stage and even supported Saddam. Do you forget that during WW2 USA supplied tanks, guns, food and ammo to Russia that was at the time their ally against Nazi? That was ok and still is OK despite Russia later on turning their back and becoming enemy while Desert Storm incident the same in principal is not OK?
    Afghanistan is exactly same situation USA provided weapons to Afghans so they stood a chance of opposing invading Russia forces. They provided them with high tech equipment and training but later on turned their back on US. USA vs North Korea (Vietnam) is exact opposite of Russia vs Afghanistan. In Vietnam USA had troops on ground and Russia were providing training and equipment (support) to North Korea. In Afghanistan Russia had troops on ground and USA provided training and equipment (support) to Afghans.
    Alliance is nothing more then a compromise, each one will be different all they have in common is that sooner or latter all will end.
  18. I agree but my point is many countries used services of Guantanamo and secret prisons. USA cannot be only one's to blame it is just unfair to assign it all to them.
  19. That has been the principle of the common law for centuries. Everyone is free to commit crimes, but they face subsequent trial and punishment if convicted. Deterrence is relied on to keep crime levels down.

    Unfortunately in the new era of suicide bombers and suicide mass-murders, that approach is totally ineffective. It would mean simply doing nothing at all after each atrocity.

    So we are now in an era of struggling to find a legal way of anticipating and preventing atrocities before they happen. It is extremely difficult to prove evil intent not yet put into action. There is no simple answer. I am slow to disparage people who are trying their hardest to find ways of dealing with intractable problems.
  20. My point applies to anyone holding people without trial
    Guantanamo is particularly offensive when you consider the US constitution guarantees due process and speedy trial under the sixth amendment.
    #140 shadow, Dec 17, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 17, 2012
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