Servicing the wifes M696 which has the Termi kit with Dp air filter. Noticed that inside the airbox looks a little dusty and the filters dry as a bone. Looks to be a very similar construction to K&N which need oiling to perform correctly, Is this the case?
Thanks. Shouldn't be messy if using the K&N type oil in aerosol - spray just enough to cover and STOP. NoToil is an alternative if you have the soft filters - very good on MX bikes.
I've a foam filter and oil mine on servicing. I use an aerosol spray and it's a quick and mess free experience.
Even with an aerosol itll get messy Lumpy. Trust me. Im a Doctor. Ok. Im not a doctor but I know itll get messy coz I've tried to do it unmessily and it was a mess.
Is the DP one a foam one then? I can honestly say, I've done a few foam filters and made no real mess. Cleaning it is done in the sink with some filter cleaner. When it comes to oiling it, I take it outside bung on a rubber glove and spray it until tacky. Messiest bit on my foam filter is applying the sealant to ensure a seal with the base plate.
No, as I said it's similar to the K&N type which of course should always be oiled. The performance kit was fitted by a Ducati dealer and they omitted to do this. Anyway I'll give it a light oiling and hopefully there'll be less dust in the Airbox!
Ah, I bet they don't hold the oil anywhere near as well as a foam type. Could well be messier then but, just lay it down outside and spray.
Ooo marigolds. Aint we posh. The mess occurs for me when I used to try putting the goddamned oily filter over the trumpets. TFF BMC filters.
Ive a box of them. Unused. I always forget to put em on and by the time I do my hands are dirty anyways. So fuck knows why I bought em.
I do tend to use nitrile gloves most of the time. But they can tear, and the hands sweat a lot in the heat and then you get bloody clumsy as you lose dexterity and f*** up everything! Having said that the filter is now nicely sprayed with KN red oil and back together - and hands are clean!