OMG! What will we have to fret over if they do this?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Dave, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. Black :) with yellow :)
    How about alternative things to do with your old tax discs thread?

    I'm making a pair of pat Butcher Earrings :)
  2. Doubly slow then? That's with the tax disc removed and go faster glitter sanded down
  3. But the yellow and black one is only a baby 400 :(
    The Rainbow glitter one uses trippy teleporting :)
  4. Wow, the DVLA gets upto date with early ninties technology. Good news all round
  5. Think Ill get my carbon fiber tax disc holder on Ebay before it becomes worthless .
  6. I think we should find another use for them

    bit small for a packed lunch but you might be able to put a cheese string ( or a g string) in those cylinder ones
  7. I'm using mine as a coaster :)
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