obama and the massacre

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. i just heard Obama say about the innocent kids who were murdered...'god has called them all home'....

    what a disgusting thought.

    the invisible being on a fluffy cloud wants his creations back so he decided to have them strafed to pieces...nice bit of religious morality teaching there...then what about the nutter,we may ask? did god want him home too??

    How do people buy into this crap???..its offensive, meaningless and obscene.
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  2. It is, if I were the parent of one of those kids 'god called them back' us the last thing is want to hear. American 'society' is in a terrible mess, but they would rather have guns than civilisation.
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  3. They have a twisted sense of morality, fuelled by a flawed education system.
  4. How many more times does this have to happen before someone has the balls to take on the US Constitution. 18 months after Dunblane the UK imposed ban on the ownership of handguns. The same time frame for semi auto rifles after Hungerford.
    #4 chrisw, Dec 17, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2012
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  5. i was in the states last year, its amazing how easy it is to purchase a gun, or a semi auto. Its got to stop.
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  6. Americans..............Every single one of them can roam the streets armed to the teeth with deadly guns and none of them bat an eyelid but if you dare drive past a yellow school bus they treat you with disdain and horror as if you were a murderer.........weird!!
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  7. Both totally misguided and disgustingly promised in the run up to a general election in the first case. From memory the Government imposed a D notice(A press gagging order) covering the details of the Handgun ban and it's costs, I think for 50 years? Every legally held firearm was surrendered. Shame about the thousands still in criminal hands....

    The issue is with society and it's press coverage sensationalising the offenders. As noted recently, in the past these people used to 'off' themselves in their flats, now they commit attrocities and become media 'Stars' in the aftermath. It's a shame that most people can name the murderer and not a single one of the victims.
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  8. This is something I've been thinking of for a while now. Why not starve the feckers of the "fame" they so greatly desire.

    Press coverage altered from naming the perpetrator of such horrors and instead referring to them only as "the latest dickless shit who never amounted to anything".

    I'd even buy newspapers that signed up for that.

    Never happen though - the public has a right to contribute to the process of arseholes making themselves famous.
  9. The media should not name the perpetrator or show their 'photo. Ever.

    If a society decides 200 yrs ago that the "right to bear arms" was appropriate, surely it should discuss how this should apply 200 yrs later when automatic weapons are available, & societies and values have changed so much.

    Often, in business, I talk about unintended consequences of decisions made. "Be careful what you wish for".

    In the USA, laws allow most folks to own guns, mostly for recreational purposes. Most folks are law abiding. Many are not. Some of the latter go off the rails so much that they murder innocent children.

    Which is most important, the right to bear arms (regardless of the reason), or the right to stop innocent children being killed?

    America needs to decide.

    I cannot understand why anyone would vote for the right to keep a firearm versus the life of a child.
  10. Yes, but, people kill people, not the guns, guns are just inaminate tools. Life is cheap in the states, they have a belief that it is all about me, my feelings, and REVENGE, against individuals, groups, and society as a whole. It show's in their overly litigious actions, the way they will chase an intuder down the street and shoot them in the back, the way the Government believes they are right and tries to impose their will on the rest of the world, and if you don't agree you are the enemy. The americans are capitolist, christian, democratic Fundalmentalists.
  11. America is a Christian country. Yes I know there are different faiths, but like the UK, those with the most political power are Christian so therefore his comments make sence. Personally I think organised religion is the scariest thing on the planet. More people have died in the name of religion than anything else. Im an atheist, but still respect peoples faiths and beliefs even thou personally I thnk they're wasting their time.
  12. question for you Matt...

    Can you explain how 'god calling them home' makes some kind of logical sense or meaning? if god loved his children and 'wanted them home', why not just make them fall asleep...? What about the pain of the parents and families? What about the murderer, was god calling him home too?? soz mate, but saying it makes sense is utter bollox...unless you mean unless when talking to bunch of fkn stupid morons with a twisted sense of reality who think the earth and everything in it was put together over a week...

    Like you, im an antheist, well, more of an anti-theist, but i DONT respect peoples faiths and beliefs...i respect their right to HAVE what ever opinion/belief they like, but how can anyone be respected if their sincere beliefs include talking snakes, flying horses (islam), murder (all faiths), infanticide, slavery, subjugation of women, hell blah blah blah....i someone is stupid enough to believe iron age bullshit thats their affair...dont bring it near me, affect my life with it or expect me to respect it...religion has had a get out of jail free for millenia and is out of bounds of criticism...tough, its time it stopped...

    Incidentally, antheist are the largest 'religious' group in america, outnumbering christians, although they are not an organised group and thus have no political power..in america to 'come out' s politcal suicide, purely because of the backlash from the religious right...
  13. I'm pretty sure that other people's faiths do bother funky, especially if they impact on him in any way.

    As un-PC a position as that is, I have a certain degree of sympathy with it. Religion has been an over-arching force for wrong-doing (I nearly said "evil" just then - phew!) over the years. It has been a source of good deeds, too, but I believe that civilisation should grow up now and put away its childish things. We as a species are generally sophisticated enough to understand the reason why "do unto others ...", and other such laws, are a good idea. We don't need mythical beings to tell us that any longer.

    That's my opinion - anyone disagreeing <will be burnt at the stake tortured driven from their homes> <delete> has a right to do so.
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  14. You make some valid points (as always) and to answer your question, nope not in the slightest. Pressie O's speech was just an attempt to empathise, but if we want to keep looking deeper into the role religion plays with politics, we're going to be here all night. Pizza anyone?
  15. The thing with the god/jesus/allah botherers is that if they believe then they have to say it is god/jesus/allah`s will rather than accept it was the random work of a nutter with easy access to guns. Surely no sane person really believes in a supreme being and the awful things that happen in their name. On a slightly different but related topic did you notice how upset some female members of the church were recently when they lost the vote about becoming whatever it was. Surely if their god is in charge they lost the vote because that is what he/she wanted so why be upset? Alternatively their god does not exist so why be upset?
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  16. America is a god-fearing county where making sense of something often drives a faith in devine intervention. If it helps some of those affcted, families friends etc, then why not let them take solice in his words. If it doenst, and to be frank what could, well ignore it. There is plenty other rhetoric in his and others' speaches to offer some reassurance
  17. BBC News - Newtown shootings: Obama 'backs assault weapons ban'

    Well there you go. That was the easy option. There's already been bans for automatic weapons in the past, and they are hard to justify, so no real change there; the strict minimum.

    The NRA are determined to do something. I imagine that their proposal will be to arm school teachers so that they can have a good shoot-out if nutters show up armed at school.

    You might have naively thought that politicians had a sense of moral philosophy that they wished to bring to legislation. I'm sure Obama is anti-gun, but although he is not up for reelection next time, I bet he won't really open the debate, which has to be: if you believe so strongly in Jesus and Christian principles, how can you think that owing firearms to potentially kill other people is a good plan?

    Just for once, I'd really like an influential politician to say what they really think instead of hedging their bets all the time. And then they wonder why the electorate is so disaffected.
  18. Same language different breed.
    Being married to one in the military ... Is scary ... They are quite a brainwashed nation sadly .. Not all but quite a dam lot of them !
    And Gungho with it .
    It's a different world to ours..
    Living the dream it's not .

    Some if the really back water states .. It's like "the Hills have eyes".

    The right to bare arms is so ingrained in them ... I honestly think even with banning orders and legislation there's always one rogue .
    If they want a gun sadly they will get a gun.

    I also feel dont forget the victims but don't give the perpetrator days and days of headlines!
    Any thing said about someone like that makes them seem powerful to the next killer.

    What hurt me was the usual media band wagon .. Of course he had Aspergers and was a Goth and played computer games!

    No he wore black , maybe he did have Aspergers but if diagnosed they would know that by medical records!!!!
    And loads of youngsters and people of my age play computer games .
    We know what's real and what's not .

    I work with lots of Kids who are Aspies and would they shoot 20 children?
    I was a Goth would I kill 20 children .. No.

    I have a high functioning Autistic boy in my family he loves computer games.
    Would he kill 20 children ?
    Even if I handed him a gun?
    No .

    Hit the media stop their stupid pigeon holing.. And don't keep going on about the killer ... Give them nothing back if they survive.

    Media Frenzy fuels more unstable people!
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