compassion fatigue anyone?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by funkyrimpler, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. There are always lots of charity ads on TV, everything from NSPCC to sponsor a snow leopard and everything in between, but at christmas there is a preponderance of these ads...personally, i find myself reaching for the remote when these ads come on, purely because there are so many on each and every ad break..
    does anyone else find themselves switching off? i know its out of order but ive grown tired of charity ads, even though many are deserving..the same goes for the clothes nags popped through the letter box and the armies of chuggers in town...out of order i know, but it does make me a little dispassionate.
  2. Glad to hear I'm not the only miserable git out there:mad:. I get sick of them tbh. I can't stand charity being forced on me! If I wanted to contribute I'd seek them out and donate. I do, but only to charities of my choice.

    the other day we went out for some food and there was a charitable contribution added to the bill, only about 20p, but I wasn't even asked. It Really peed me off that it went on without me being asked if I wished to give. So, to that end in my bah humbug style I asked them to remove it. I know it's only 20p, but it was the fact that I wasn't asked, they presumed that I was participating in the season of good will.

    good will to all my arse. Not all deserve it!
  3. Yup me too....sounds bad dunnit, but I give what I can both in monetary terms, time, PA equipment and the the eldest bairn provides solo vocals for a lot of local charity fund raising events, all without the need for the in your face begging we're increasingly subjected to.

  4. No, it's not just you.

    I have been known to say to chuggers in as many words that I wouldn't give to a charity likely to waste my donations paying chuggers!

    I have standing orders set up to make regular small donations to 4 charities, I'm happy to sponsor a friend doing e.g. Race for Life, or chuck a quid in a collecting box for e.g. the local hospice or air ambulance but I too am weary of the endless TV appeals and envelopes through the door, never mind being harrassed by someone with a clipboard when out shopping.
  5. I have got to the point I switch off
    There are some you can help and others that run charity as a business.
    Why would you waste money on a cuddly snow leopard how about using people's money wisely.
    I support local charities that are volunteer based that way money is invested where it should be not for some persons pension!
    You can check out each charities end of year books on line they make for interesting reading.
  6. Sky+ it's the future
  7. I donated to Crisis this year but thats it. When I see a Chugger as I walk down the High Street, I make sure I create a demeanor that any experienced Chugger knows that Im not worth bothering with. It is poor for the vast majority of charities to tug at our heart strings more at this time of year. What you mean there are no homeless or hungry kids living in Africa in June or July?
  8. I went to a B&Q warehouse not so long back and was accosted by the Rotary club. Santa in his sleigh, very load Christmas music and collectors at 3 stratigic locations I was wished a Merry Christmas followed by a collecting bucket thrust towards me 3 times before I even got in to the store. I just thought well you lot can fuck off.

    Anyway yesterday the same Rotary club were doing the same at Tesco's.. A very loud FUCK OFF nearly came out of my mouth.

    I give to the Air Ambulance and McMillan, both charities have a meaning to us. Im bolloxed if I am give my hard earned to every charity begger!
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  9. I do dislike being interrupted when Im shopping. I usually find myself going in to rain man mode and they avoid coming near
  10. Hate chuggers, get really pissed. I buy charity christmas cards and make occasional donations with e bay purchases and make a small monthly contribution to a particular favourite charity of mine. But I wont be emotionally blackmailed:mad:
  11. i even have charity banner ads on this
  12. we had some guys come to the house the other day - well below freezing and the guy wanted me to stand with the door open to discuss poor people and contributions. After saying 'we don't make any contributions or buy anything at the door' several times, I had to shut the door on him. Rude, but listen...
  13. yes yes and yes

    I can remember my mum taking a turkey round to some freinds one christmas who had fallen on bad times and had nothing - kind of left a lasting impression on helping those you know around you

    I am organizing a raffle for Air Ambulance but the rest of them can fro - especially those Pandas in need of Glasses
  14. why doesnt that fat gangster panda twat donate a few his bisquits??
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