Bike safe... But Fun...!!!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Nelson, Dec 18, 2012.

  1. i worked at that a couple of years was quite funny how many came off of the track bit within 3 corners after the sighting lap....
  2. any training is a good idea although when i went on a similar course at cadwell a few years it was a bit underwhelming..the best part was the braking lesson but the rest of it was a little pedestrian.
  3. I need to learn how to ride safely
    Looking at next year now.
    Feeling a tad nervous
  4. was this before or after your crash?
  5. Bikesafe is MUCH better than nothing, but full IAM or RoSPA courses are even better. Think of Bikesafe as a taster for the main course, not a substitute.
  6. uh gawd here we go again......
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  7. :biggrin:
  8. been there done that

    the track time was ' interesting ' to say the least - you didnt even need leathers lol - just off you went slip sliding away

    Worth going just for the men in uniform though :upyeah:
  9. :eek:
  10. before luckily, otherwise i wouldn't have seen him pull out on me as soon as i did or bring the bike to an almost standstill before he pushed me into a ditch and you wouldn't have been able to make a sniping comment.
    funnily enough the blind old boy was on our regional news a little while ago for shooting at an intruder onto his farm. im not sure of the outcome, but its possible the intruder could have been a farm labourer..i was surprised that the old boy was still alive tbh, but not to find him as cantankerous as ever.
  11. agreed, i found both the car and bike IAM courses excellent.
  12. live by the sword........
  13. pork sword i assume?
  14. no wonder you didn't get a grant......i can see the interview now...........what do you recon to this, do you like fruit, its a peach?
  15. im assuming theres a joke in your post somewhere?

    its not a grant by the way...its a payment made to a person whose suffered an illness or injury and been unable to work as a consequence, in my case a spinal injury. I'm sure you'd be just as supportive if one of your collegues or friends was in a similarly unfortunate position.

    Fortunately for you, youre still able to work, even with the apparent absence of a brain.

    I wonder if the Police do a charisma school? You should enroll, then your humour may be as hi-viz as your jacket.
  16. IAM are just so earnest in what they do and take it all just a bit too seriously.

    Buy a copy of Roadcraft, read it from cover to cover, then dip into it regularly and pick out specific aspects of riding to concentrate on and practice.
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  17. Mate you can poke at me all you like, you always do at anyone who doesn't just capitulate to your stories or tow your line, hey ho....

    Are all your injuries from said collision? and therefor all claims, damages and special damages not part of an insurance claim?
  18. yeah, great book..ive had my copy for about 15 years or so..
  19. i'll poke at you bud when you wade in talking shyte about something of which you know nothing. a bit of banter is all well and good, but you stuck your oar and came out of your corner bandying smart arse insults. if you knew what you were talking about, then you wouldnt need to ask about my insurance claim. I dont give a monkeys if we all have a difference of opinion, thats part of the fun, but trotting out poorly chosen fatuous nonsense isnt and if you ever read any of my posts you'll notice i dont simply wade in with the sort of crap in which you seem to have made your chosen specialist subject.

    like i said mate, if the day comes when you are unfortunate enough to be knocked off your feet and you see your life start to slide out of view, then i hope your family and friends show you their support regardless of my personal opinions about your unwelcome and derisory comments towards me.
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