For Sale 1098 R For Sale

Discussion in 'Ducati Bikes For Sale' started by Mr Tea, Jul 7, 2017.

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  1. It clearly is a translation thing; you've inserted the word 'just' when requoting my post!
    Usually when building collections, it is common practice to 'curate' them, hence museums employ curators. As I have no experience of the model, I'm trying to make an informed decision rather than just shooting in the dark and I'm hoping to do this by drawing upon the opinion of others with more experience of the model than myself. Making informed decisions has enabled me to be fortunate (and grateful) enough to be in a position to consider these purchases so I'll continue to do it.
    In summary, there's nothing for you to 'get', or any hidden agenda. I'm simply using this forum as it was intended!
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  2. I'm very tempted but having two unpractical on the road Ducati R and no road bike isn't the greatest idea! Still it's tempting all the same :)
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. better than money in the bank, so if you have then buy it :)
    • Agree Agree x 2
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  4. Because it is not immediately obvious from my forum name that my real name is Andy and in these days of social media anonimity, I take responsibility for the content of my posts by using my real name. I am in my mid 60s so it is probably to do with my upbringing but hey, it's who I am. Andy
    • Like Like x 7
  5. Good on you Andy. I like it.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. Fair play. Creamy Revenge
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 2
    • Funny Funny x 2
  7. Well have a chat later Andy , thanks
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  8. Dammit. 2mnths too late. Bought 1299S but I'd have been sorely tempted. Especially after seeing @RickyX one. GLWS
  9. Buy it as a company vehicle (or second vehicle), 100% tax deductible this year and pay 20% benefit in kind each year based on the purchase price.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  10. Disliking a race bike on the road (which is what he said in another thread) isn't on par with Child sex abuse and/or child murder. Even rat arsed I wouldn't have chosen that comparison, perhaps "clarkson like"
  11. Just done 159 miles on mine today, struggles a bit in 20 and 30 limits but generally comfortable to ride. Fairly slow mostly B road routes to Barton on Humber: mates girlfriend was with us on a Fazer 600 - a bit more pace and my wrists would have been fine too :)
    It's a mighty fine weekend toy!

    ps: there's one in PB mag as bike of the month that a guy has toured on all over Europe...
    #51 Exige, Jul 8, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 8, 2017

  12. That's Spareparts' one off here. I've toured all over Europe with him on various bikes and the 1098R. The 1098R is a joy and much easier and more usable than my 1098S, I think mainly due to his mods and setup. To be fair though they work in a narrow band generally and that's what they are supposed to do. Spareparts has broadened the band his works in. As a fast road bike, my 2015 Fireblade is better, but a completely different experience with little event. Mind you - last trip we were swapping around bikes - Fireblade, MV F4RR and 1098R. The MV F4RR was utter utter shite. Like all the bad bits of the worst days of Ducati and the bad bits of Jap IL4s.

    The 1098R is a special bike though - objectively there are lots of better bikes sports bikes for the road, especially 10 years on from when they came out. Good thing we work subjectively :)

    OP - good luck with sale! Since I bought my S, so many Rs have come up for sale!
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  13. Ok - back on topic. Someone is trying to sell a bike here.
  14. As stated very torquey and raw. Can loop you in 1st, 2nd and 3rd on the gas. Needs rear brake over crests flat in 4th... Or it'll loop you! I love mine and apart from the 1299S, nothing has tempted me away from it. A keeper for sure, well til I'm too knackered to ride it properly anymore.
    I'm just back from Slovakiaring and Brno and a 'quicker than me' mate followed me on his prepped S1000RR, he said between 60 and 130 I was gapping him but he could reel me in either side of these speeds. That gives a fairly good idea of the mid range these beasts pump out.
    If our paths cross at a track day you can have a shot! I'm sure you'd like it.
    • Love You Love You x 1
  15. @Exige that's a great bike you got yourself right there. If its the one I'm thinking of it's had an A1 make over by Moto Rapido. Same as mine, enjoy!
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  16. Is it Spareparts old bike? If so its a beaut. Had a Moto Rapido rebuild and super finish gearbox refresh. My engine shat itself around the same time he was having a rebuild so we liased quite a bit because we were both using MR for rebuilds. Their engine builder (Baz Hannaford??) is the lad that does the Moto Rapido BSB stuff. Not cheap but probably best in the country. From what I remember the (your) bike engine was ok but Spareparts felt a teardown and rebuild was in order.
    I've since done 1000 track miles with mine and its run like a dream. A fast violent dream....
  17. Mine belonged to a Jonathan Fern who sold it to MR from where I bought it - I know they did the SSTK Mapping @ Moto Rapido for him.

    Mr T's is a cracker too - he was looking for a while and pounced as soon as a good one came along on here.
  18. And back to the bike sale....
  19. I already had if you had read my post El Bradders :)
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