just don't drive. Even if it doesn't take the Man Flu away at least you'll get pissed trying!:biggrin:
I quite fancy one of those although my own man flu has just about gone. Just looks like a good winter drink!
I went to a gig last night sore throat sneezing etc. They were selling hot mulled wine. That did the trick :biggrin:
I had it yesterday - think I escaped lightly as it was runny nose and sore throat on day 1, woke up feeling like I'd been hit by a truck on day 2, then I've just got a stuffy nose on day 3.
I'm pretty much the same but with a splitting headache that is momentarily relieved every four hours with codeine
Hope you are drinking loads of water also as Codeine can be the very thing to start a headache. I am 5 weeks in with undiagnosed 'foreign flu' I call it - almost Malaria like in symptom and weird damaged rather than sore throat feeling like i've never had before.
I found a can of Monster Ripper (the fruit juice one) in the beer fridge and had that yesterday; I think it was the magic cure! They're great to get a load of fluid into you and also overload you with vitamins and enough sugar and caffeine to give you an energy burst to take away most of the groggy feeling. A headache can often be the sign of lack of fluids as well.
Manuka honey is fab stuff! Sore throats bugs and even on cuts! Enchantica tincture with golden seal from Holland & Barrett in warm water with 1000mg vit C fizzy tablets. Spoon or two of Manuka or local honey. As soon as you feel run down or sniff of a cold make it up!!!
I have been dying for the last 2 days, last will written, good bye and look after yourselves to my children. but it seems a couple of snifters of Port seem to have done the trick:biggrin: Haleulahh i am cured or drunk, not sure but i feel better Port will cure all :biggrin:
Manuka honey is fab stuff! Sore throats bugs and even on cuts! Enchantica tincture with golden seal from Holland & Barrett in warm water with 1000mg vit C fizzy tablets. Spoon or two of Manuka or local honey. As soon as you feel run down or sniff of a cold make it up!!!
www.manflu.com check it out! I drank a bottle of it .... Never want to get Man flu if it means downing that again!!!!!!
Argh, the flu has returned! Got that horrible gagging thing in my throat now, constantly coughing. I have another can of Monster to hand so hopefully that will sort it out...