Bike safe... But Fun...!!!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Nelson, Dec 18, 2012.

  1. So are your injuries from said collision, and are they subject to an insurance claim then?
  2. to reiterate my sentiments towards the OP, like i said, any form of additional training can only be a good thing..personally i found the IAM more rewarding, albeit a little staid, but they teach a good systematic approach..i cant speak for the ROSPA course, but i would imagine that this is also a worthwhile route.

    There are also a myriad of technique based courses orientated more towards track riding whcih many here speak highly-although they are a bit pricey, but lets face it, with the spec of modern bikes or anything built in the last 20 years for that matter, any money invested in the bike is best spent on the organic lump sitting astride the thing-plus you take it with you when you sell...with monsters like the Panny, its almost a prerequisite to get some supervised track time onboard the thing just to get to grips with the technology and power.
  3. i agree with the above.

    As far as a structured road riding technique goes most don't even know they don't know.....a general unconscious incompetence.
  4. There's a bloke I've seen around Bristol who rides with a massive metal crucifix figurehead at the front of his bike....Perhaps he's a member...?
  5. I think they have a stand at Popham - a whole bunch of members
  6. My dad (very bible bothering kind of chap) was a member of the CMA for a while, and it was too sugary even for him. Their weekends away are no alcohol, in bed by 11 affairs.... uhh, no thanks, in so many ways.
  7. They stay up until 11?!
  8. Later than me....:eek:
  9. happy with that as long as your not alone

    might try the bike safe this year, cheap way to get the bike on the track for 15 minutes
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