Sad sad news re 470four

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by duc904red, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. l am very sad to have report that Darren/470four took his own life this morning
    l am at loss add anymore at this time
    Steve B
    • Love You Love You x 1
  2. What??? :eek:

    I'm numb. :frown:
  3. dumbstruck
    only met him once
    words fail me
  4. That is dreadful news. I never had the pleasure of meeting him, but enjoyed banter with him on here. My thoughts are with his family.
  5. such sad news

    RIP Darren
  6. Very saddened by this shocking news. Thank you Steve, for letting us all know.

    Lost for words. My thoughts are with the friends and family affected by this sad sad tragedy. I'm stunned.
  7. How incredibly sad. RIP.
  8. Wtf!?

    He was an active forum member.....I didn't know him, but I'm still gutted :(
  9. tis a sad sad day for anyone to get this, RIP.
  10. Completely shocked at this. He was a very active member, he was even here late last night.

    RIP Darren.

    Thoughts to family and friends.

  11. Is there any way we can get a collection for a wreath or something for him from us all here?
    • Like Like x 4
  12. I am so sad to have read this, his posts were always a ray of sunshine for me, always the clown. I know he was struggling with the loss of his job and a relationship that recently went south but I never imagined he was considering ending it all.

    I guess when he had to sell his 470 that should have been an indication as to how bad things were..........

    I for one will miss him greatly.

  13. Kin ell , that's shitty
  14. That's terrible news. How desperate must he have been...
  15. :eek: I met him i the summer.... How crappie.... Thoughts go to his family.
  16. Bloody hell that's a shocker, did he have any family etc?

    His last post is a bit ironic :mad:
  17. This is really sad news rest his soul in peace and much thought to his family at this awful time. Unbelievably sad sad news :-(
  18. This is terrible news, condolences to his family
  19. Sad news, RIP
    #19 Hugh Willmer, Dec 21, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2012
  20. Such sad sad news,, my thoughts are of course with his family and friends..........
    #20 Twangobango, Dec 21, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2012
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