Sad sad news re 470four

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by duc904red, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. I am very sorry to hear this, he was the one making 'case savers' and I shared a few posts with him. I cannot help but wonder if anything could have been done but I knew nothing about this. It goes to show that if you think something is seriously wrong then talk to as many people as you can about it.
  2. Very sad. It is always tragic when something like this happens.
  3. It's just shows how you think you know some one through there posts on the net when in fact someone can be so down and low like this poor chap, posted with him a few times on here but clearly he was gutted deep down about life etc.. However I feel I HAVE to say RIP.

    Gutted for his friends and family....
    #43 arthurbikemad, Dec 21, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2012
  4. RIP and thoughts for the ones left behind.
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  5. People often do, aiming to depart with clear conscience and with affairs as straight as possible.
  6. Feeling kinda sick, which for someone I didnt know is a little odd but guess sometimes a virtual bar is a regular bar.

    RIP and hope his nearest and dearest cope with whatever is ahead.
    #46 bradders, Dec 21, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2012
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  7. It's bloody shame that none of us, including me; didn't spot the signs.......

    There are several hints something was afoot.

    If you read his last, maybe 10 or so, posts, it seems like he was intending to wrap things up by Christmas and appears to have used 21.12.2012 at the last minute.

    Although jobless and partnerless (as bad as this sounds it doesn't seem that much to me) he must have been in a really bad way; so who knows how things like that affect other people?

    Poor b*gger.......

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  8. Thanks for all the messages
    There is more to this but l am not up to doing it tonight will mull it over over night
    Thanks to you all
    Steve B
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  9. Thanks for letting us know Steve. I didn't know him other than through the banter we had on here but I am truly stunned.

    As everyone else has said my thoughts are with his family and friends.

    RIP Darren
  10. All I can say is fuck. Darren was a lovely fella, although I only dealt with him online. He was a friend in facebook and we used to have a bit of banter on there. Over the last week his status has been counting the days down. People have asked what he was counting down too but he's always been vague. I wished I'd asked and then pushed for an answer. He's made me some parts for Pantah project that he posted a couple of days ago. He said they were a Xmas present but I wouldn't give him my address until he let me pay him as I knew things were tough. He seemed really touched by that and very upbeat in his messages.RIP Darren :-(
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  11. I am also a bit too used to seeing this happen. There are those who DO perform half hearted attempts as a result of stuff in their lives or stuff they have done as a 'cry for help', yet I know a few who have had resonably minor sounding problems and have given NO clues as to what their plans are, and they tidy up loose ends and thats that.

    For ALL those he left behind I pray and hope hes finally at peace.

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  12. You ok stevie mate?

    Not been on here for a while and shocked at this.
  13. I never met him, but always enjoyed his posts and knowledge on here.
    A very sad day
  14. So very sad.
  15. :eek: So sad, RIP
  16. knew he was having a hard time, didn't realise how bad it must of got, sad loss to everybody involved
  17. Oh My God Im dumbstruck, very very sad news and at such a difficult time of year.

    I knew he had had a few personal difficulties but from the temper of his posts I certainly had no clue things were that bad.

    Rest in peace bud ....
  18. Very sad indeed. RIP.
  19. Oh crap, sad news indeed....
  20. You're quite right, it affects everyone differently. You could burn my bike and car, cripple me and take my job forever, but if you told me I could never have a partner I honestly don't believe I could go on. I can't understand what Darren was going through, but I can empathise, as loneliness can be utterly emotionally crippling. You can still be lonely with friends around you.

    So what can we all learn from this? If you have a friend or relative going through a tough time right now, pay them a visit or pick up the phone, they might need you more than you realise.

    R.I.P Darren, and deepest sympathy to those closest to him.
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