Its the end of the world as we know it. Petrol & Diesel engined vehicles banned from sale in uk from 2040. Electric cars (and bikes) have a long way to go before they're practical and are very expensive. Our whole transport system is based around the i.c. engine. Most buses lorries vans and frieght trains are diesel powered. So the government is banning their sale with no realistic alternative. So how do you see this panning out? I'm struggling to comprehend the full effect of this on society.
remember mobile phones and computers from 23 years ago ? The technology is available it will happen .
I'm ordering one of these then I may need a couple of stop overs on the way to the office though (200 miles each way)
We know diesel needs to end and personally I would have simply banned all domestic private diesels from 2025 with a scrappage scheme if they were replaced with electric Lorries have the space for additional batteries bit it will add substantially to its unladen weight so there maybe issue on where they can and can't go with that extra weight. I can't see where they have mentioned motorbikes but if I was VAG trying to sell Ducati right now, I'd be pissed Although by volume it will effect cars and lorries more, by the impact on the industry, I feel the impact on motorcycles could be industry deciding.
They could have dealt with this easier if they had simply banned any vehicle over 7.5 tonnes from the road between 7am -7pm. This would have balanced the traffic levels out so cutting down on jams and high emissions.
Mwahaha..bout time. 2040? I'll be over 70. They said diesel and petrol vehicles on news, so I suspect that means bikes too. But imo the main culprit is the diesel. You can taste the NOx in the air. Plus people choose huge Chelsea tractors to do a 5-10 min school run. Where's the sense in that? Fat fuckers taking their fat kids to school. That's what its like round here. I suspect this is repeated nationally. Freight should be on rail. Deliveries by milk float stylee vehicles. We will adapt and its something that should probably have been undertaken years ago.
Good grief! Country has the worst mobile phone and high speed broadband in Europe and falling behind every year yet somehow we are going to have millions of charging points installed in time for this? Nevermind the billions it will cost in charging points and scrappage schemes, thousands of jobs lost at rural service stations. Thousands of jobs will also be lost in repair garages as you can guarantee the manufacturers will make sure that if there is a system fault you have to go to a main dealer to diagnose the fault. There is currently a multi billion pound "modified" vehicle industry in the UK, this includes ECU remapping, exhausts etc that will be affected with more job loses and damage to the economy. While I do appreciate we have to do something about the enviroment I fear this plan really hasn't been thought through properly for the knock on effects on people and the economy. As above thank goodness i'll be 70 by the time this is supposed to happen.
in 25years we will all be living in city's with no need for cars with no jobs to pay for em. "geroff my land" will be a phrase of the past. pity.
This is on new vehicle sales isnt it? only buy whats our smax is a diesel (but, the whole range is diesel bar one which is underpowered and i read). Ive got no problem with electric for short journeys ( did see an electric ktm supermoto which was pretty cheap on ebay but couldnt work out what angle to pitch it to the wife) - that'd be perfect for work (10 miles each way)...
Was there not something recently about the cradle to grave of an electric vehicle being more hazardous and producing more emissions that petrol? I cannot remember the source. I'd like to see the research papers and the study that has lead to this fundamental decision, although not just UK, has France or was it just Paris announced something similar? Its fine saying the technology will be available & just crossing your fingers and hoping, its not as if there isn't vast sums being poured into the battery technology already, from everywhere (mobile phones, computers etc). Unless they can drastically up the range, there WILL be trouble ahead. Will it be worth leaving the house anyway? Countryside will be full of fekin windfarms, and the coast full of fekin tidal barrages. It angers me that I go out on the bike a handful of times a year and the fat, lazy, selfish majority who go everywhere in their cars when there are perfectly good alternatives have screwed it up for the rest of us...................I don't even own a bloody car. Of course could all change OR you could go to the US, nothing to panic about just yet. Won't affect me I'll either be a dribbling vegetable, up in smoke or pushing up daisies.
What about the airline industry? Guess they are exempt. If only peeps would ration the use of stuff, but its always the sensible that suffer the indulgences of the abusers, I can think of this on so many levels
Are you kidding, I'll still be saying 'geroff my land' even if I end up in a block of flats and someone so much as steps onto my balcony!
Knee jerk! Not been thought through, of course! Just think of the impracticalities of charging em if you live in a terraced house ( and that's if you can get to park outside your own ) or a block of flats!! Some bafoon mentioned using street lights as charging points, which means the entire network of cabling and the breakers that support the power requirements will have to be upgraded!!