I see no reason why sensible fuel efficient and economical petrol cars cannot be made for the foreseeable future. The current offerings have little to do with transport and are more orientated to massaging the egos of those who drive them. There is then the small matter of where will all of this electricity come from. Now where did I leave my Ducati.
We have far more to worry about re airlines. Check this out, imagine sunning yourself and then being hit by a frozen 10lb turd. I mean, who can hatch such a weapon, http://worldnewsdailyreport.com/plane-accidentally-empties-toilet-tank-over-cruise-ship-23-injured/ Stuart
It's been said before on this thread but I'll repeat it. 1. All freight by train and shorter routes by electric vehicles within designated hours. 2. Transition away from diesel to petrol, hybrid, and electric cars. 3. Use of more carbon neutral or at least better forms of electricity production. 4. Leave petrol cars and bikes with small production numbers alone. All the motorcycles and sports cars in the world don't emit as much as the biggest ship. 5. Stop cutting trees down. Outcome - the world is fucked anyway because the biggest problem is actually meat production. All the experts agree that even with drastic action global warming will continue and the ecosystems that we rely on to sustain us will slowly disappear as we actively or passively destroy them. My solution is not having any kids.
Pointless...that is 23 years from now. I would be suprised if by 2030 there would be a lot of petrol or diesel cars sold new. Will this push up or down the bike prices?
I havent owned a lammie for over 25yrs pal. Plus it emitted more fuel on my leg than it combusted AND spent more time broken down. Thus its mitigated. Ner.
More likely the charging points will be a prepaid card or a pin number type but on the pikey front, think of all that lovely copper cable just laying on the street officer. If they make them a card meter, plenty of romanian gangs in london with card skimmers on cash points at the momment. All the moaning aside, it does need to be done, most of the times when humans discuss change, they generally talk themselves out of it but once we have a definitive, we tend to get on with it.
Where will they get all the fuel tax revenue from when the sales drop through the floor? Of course none of this may matter as it was also on the news this morning that the human race may become extinct as male spem count is apparently falling so we're all going to dissappear because of a world full of jaffas.
hmm 25years ago,. yip totaly convinced its the fault of lambreta owners. maybe one in particular. wasn't global warming first mentioned around this time? which means i am aloud to post this.
Lithium will run out before 2040 - its in nearly every effing battery powering laptops; power tools and silly bicycles etc let alone bloody cars and other vehicles. Plus, creating enough electricity to charge everything will be impossible given the state of our power infrastructure which hasn't got enough capacity to keep us going in a long winter.
Only in western men it seems or civilised societies. I blame mobile phones in blokes pockets. Hey fin, soon you'll be employing electricians rather than mechanics
Only way it will work is self-charging batteries, with a jump-start mechanism if the juice totally goes. You can't have charging stations or the power needed available by then, full stop. Sound bite politics.
I'm going to buy a dyson gti Actually something that hasn't been mentioned, pretty much most of our motorsport is petrol driven