meh, your generation boots. to quick to dismiss or forget. just to blase about the environment and the, other big issues facing mankind. it was your lot what done it. its been left to us to sort it. . back to that other thread but i am v.confident about renewables being able to cope with demand. mostly because demand will reduce along with our life styles, and city dwelling. i didn't bother owning a car for the vast amount of time when i lived in the city.
Give it another 24 hours and Sturgeon will say she is banning them in Scotland too, she hates to miss out and is still shit at geography.
Its only new sales in 2040 though, so I think IC car and bikes will be trundling around a fair few years after that. Also, do we all think electric is the way forward ? The mining of Nickel, the supply of lithium etc etc ? Is the Hydrogen fuel cell not a better option, with cars already like the FCX clarity etc. It seems the big boys in the industry, for reasons unknown to us, have all decided electric already, and the fuel cell car has not been pursued.
Hydrogen would be better as it offers little change for a huge benefit, no electric infrastucture need or issues with distance, just pull up at for old petrol station, fill up with hydrogen and off you go.
Where you gonna get yer hydrogen? Pipeline to the Sun? Currently its cracked from fossil fuels via electricity. Its not v green and still emits junk, albeit at the manufacturing plant. If we could find raw hydrogen a little closer than 90 odd million miles, then yay!
Where as electric is completely clean to refine eh ??? Its less green to make a fecking Prius than it is to run a petrol car for a squillion miles !!
suppose the idiots will be using electric for the passenger jets and moon landings from 2040? Passenger jets are responsible for raising the temperatures of the atmosphere by 1 degree. Lets just think about that for a moment...... thats enough. Maybe they should be banned before i.c. road vehicles? Perhaps Clarkson should be P.M. after all?
in our best interest if she did. we is light years ahead of yous re green energy, we have the potential to power the whole of the uk from our environment up here, aaaaand in the current set up we benefit more from low oil prices due to the cost of transportation and heating. win win. yip, you really didn't think that one through did you. noob.
Source for this info please ?? The biggest contributor to global warming is cattle. 1.4 ish billion stinking arses putting out 60 litres of methane a day !!
I see a few updates on this at work and battery technology is coming on leaps and bounds. I had a Nissan LEAF about 4 years ago and the range was a genuine 75-80 miles on a good day, this only cost about £2 to charge at home, what's that? About 1/3 of a gallon of petrol. So in relative terms, I was getting 240 mpg. The next generation car, due for release soon has batteries with double the KW capacity, and I'm lead to believe, double the range on the road. Electric cars are getting to the point where they are a practical choice for many and it'll be interesting to see what they will be like in 23 years time. I think inductive charging could become a reality on motorways too, making the issue of 'range anxiety' null and void. Of course, this is just the pure electric option. You have improvements in hydrogen and hybrid technology to consider.
No shit Sherlock, but it is contained within other compounds. Such as fossil fuel. Its just isnt found lying or floating around. Nor is it in a great big pool under our feet. Most of ours is held in our water, which is just 'burnt hydrogen' more or less. To release it you crack it with electricity. Wheres that produced. We can go round in circles with this all day.
Isn't the question: does it take more resources to obtain the hydrogen than the hydrogen can produce? I.e. Will it take more electricity to create hydrogen to power a billion vehicles than it would take electricity to power a billion vehicles
Can I suggest you read a little more Boots as I am gonna struggle to dumb it down to your level ?? As with all things, technology moves on, and there are methods that involve a form of photosynthesis being developed to split the water, and also solar power to crack it also.