No More I.c. Vehicles From 2040!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by 900streetfighter, Jul 26, 2017.

  1. its all irrelevant. government need £X to run the country, the tax on fuel will be levied on electric once the majority are using it. We cant win. Unless you pay a premium to run the subsidized vehicles, even then you are still paying.
  2. yes but beef tastes good, and its not the temperature increase of plane usage thats the problem, its the emissions from burning the fuel.

    The change in the temperature difference was plus 1.1 degree Celsius, equal to plus 2 degrees Fahrenheit, above the 30-year long-term mean diurnal temperature range. The researchers compared the temperature ranges on these three days to those of the three days directly before Sept. 11 and the three days after Sept. 14, finding that the days before and after were similar, but that the three days in question differed by 1.8 degrees Celsius or 3.2 degrees Fahrenheit.

  3. dont be offensive
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  4. Its all irrelevant anyway, cause its only new cars being banned in 2040, we will, if we choose, still be using IC cars for many years after that, even in Hybrid or greener Ad-blue type vehicles. For all the folk on this forum (unless you're about 20), IC vehicles will probably see out our time no bother, :grinning:
  5. I believe the efficiency of batteries will improve drastically in 5-15 years there also could be new types developed.

    Look at petrol engine efficiency 15 years ago, around 30% it has reached around 50% now...I gues with further development they can achieve 55%. That is roughly 80% improvement.
  6. surely having air worth breathing puts it in the win category?
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  7. Every time I do a tat Finm is a tit :)
  8. I agree @finm , however, cars are a tiny percentage of the shit we are doing to this earth. Cattle, ships, aircraft, and posssibly the biggest, the industry in the countries that don't give a fuck about air quality, like India or China need to knock it on the head also. Cars are just an easy target for a government to make shit loads of cash, but the world needs to start looking at the big hitters, but they wont, cause of money. I'm not convinced this is not all shit anyway, and could be just a natural climate shift ?
  9. Oi, stop steeling my patter. feck knows you've stolen everything else.
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  10. Not very conclusive, and like all things climate related, I guess its a case of,who do you believe ??
  11. Silly silly fin, that went woosh ova dee heed, She doesn't need to ban it, the UK government has, keep up son keep up. I'm pretty sure most snp supporters skipped school on geography days

    we have the potential to power the whole of the uk from our environment up here

    Yep true, you do seem to have the most amount of hot air in the U.K. up there

    we benefit more from low oil prices due to the cost of transportation and heating. win win. yip, you really didn't think that one through did you. noob

    I'm sure there must be a school of stoopid most snp go too, What low prices? prices will go up as without the mass profit sales of petrol and diesel vehicles, companies will be dumping domestic exploration and possibly it may end up like the coal industry as more countries dump their vehicles, so you will have small niche companies with higher operation costs just for your heating oil.

    Given how much of your independence movement was and has always been based around oil, indi is fecked but if you did go indi, you maybe facing one of the biggest decommissioning bills for rigs of any european country

    Not during our life time fin but there will be many oil companies today deciding if there is a future in oil, even more so as the anti plastic movement is gaining ground too.
  12. Don't be silly exe, fin doesn't need just your posts to be a tit :heart_eyes:
  13. [QUOTE=" it may end up like the coal industry as more countries dump their vehicles, [/QUOTE]

    Very good point there, at the end of the day do we really need to own a car?
    Especially if living CE in a big city.
  14. We won't own cars by then. We will just send a message for an autonomous taxi.
  15. still taking a pop by?
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  16. I agree about having clean air, but electric vehicles are not all they would seem, somewhere in the world vast areas of land are being raped to provide the precious metals that these batteries need, then it has to be shipped/processed, thus creating more pollution, and what happens when everyone gets home from work at night, and plugs in? The country can barely generate enough power to keep the lights on in winter as it is, so more power stations req'd burning what? Gas? Coal? Wood chips? Oil? These "greens" seem to forget that to charge an electric vehicle you need to generate the power in the first place! Now we have councils putting on patrols to stop people idling engines outside schools, I agree with prev posts, get out of your 4x4 and get your obese kids walking to school. If the gov't was serious about cutting air pollution, they would bring back kids go to the school who's catchment area they live in! Saw a woman being interviewed on TV news a few weeks ago, fair enough she had bad asthma, and was complaining the air quality was not helping! She then went on to say she needed her car to take the kids to school!!!! News for ypu love, get your car down to a mechanic, and get a new cabin filter fitted, yeah that's right, the one no one bothers with at service time, and most schedules tell you to replace annually!
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  17. Hold on lads, I think I have an idea

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