No More I.c. Vehicles From 2040!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by 900streetfighter, Jul 26, 2017.

  1. Yeah, they had batteries that lasted weeks and didn't have to accompany us absolutely bloody everywhere, respectively. FireBlades had a decent sized boot, were made to 1:1 scale and still had a capital B... Ducati had recently introduced a mega update to the Supersport and the 916 was just around the corner, and an aftermarket exhaust didn't have to cost north of £2k after fitting before *still* needing a remap afterwards... come to think about it, if you'd asked for a fresh map 23 years ago you'd have been handed the Collins' 1993 Road Atlas.

    Progress. I'll look forward to 2040 then.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Lorries banished to lane one on dual carriageways with radar distance control, and a yield-to-exiting-traffic rule combined with strict lane discipline enforcement would help a lot.
  3. Damned right... why are we not clamping down on this kind of nonsense first. Fully agree with your rail freight comment too, the rail and canal networks can be made to deliver freight solutions that are flower-friendly and aid congestion. I'll delete my other rail-freight comment as you nailed it first.
  4. Surely that would have been the 94 road Atlas? :bucktooth:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Don't be daft, who would give you a *new* one? You'd give away last year's copy...
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Our country is to small to make rail freight especially viable as they would still have to transport goods from the rail terminus.

    Autonomous cars will mean no one wants to drive themselves on the roads. Younger generations have less interest anyway.
  7. [​IMG]
    What about my tablets?
    .... the voices ... they make me do it.... getting louder!
  8. they could reinstate some more ports up here to stop transporting our stuff south before going on to the EU.
    ah feckit. forget i said that. :mad:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  9. I dont understand your logic, even big countries have to transport goods from (and to) the rail terminus, what has the size of country got to do with it ? We already move large volumes of freight by rail anyway, are you aware of that fact ?
  10. There's a fairly extensive albeit probably outdated rail network... extending that and delivering a network of complimentary EVs might make sense, especially if combined with canal use. Can we not reopen all of the little rural stations?
  11. Don't worry about it, nobody does. :confused:
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Cant see it working tbh. Biggest polluter is aviation fuel direct in to the high atmosphere. What next? electric planes. Nah.
    Petrol engines are here for a while yet.
    Charging points in remote locations? Highly feking unlikely. Another half thought out idea from people who live in big cities.
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  13. I think it depends on the nature of the freight. For example if we are talking about moving 40` containers then I believe a crane is required at each end for loading/unloading so it would not be feasible to use every station, just specific hubs. if we are talking palletised goods then just a pump truck and tail lift vehicle or fork lift truck will be required so a lot more flexibility.
  14. Exactly, however those 40' containers are optimised for the present ship / lorry set up, right? Perhaps new optimisation is needed?
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1

  15. Sorry, but that simply is not true, I get your point, but aircraft are the wrong example of the highest polluter by quite some margin. Industry, agriculture and power production are way higher. I believe the guardian recently published a paper breaking down approx percentages of both countries and the individual industries, and aircraft are the tip of the burg.
  16. I saw a greenpeace rep on the news earlier today and instead of yep this is great, the standard it's too little too late came out. They also quoted the 40,000 are dying from pollution. Two points, there is no way of knowing how many died from pollution in the context they mentioned. You can say built up areas have dirty air but good luck proving this came from car exhausts only.

    The greeny was then challenged about it's not just cars it's also people themselves, trains, buses etc, all the stuff they say we should be spending money on, i.e. public transport but they kept trying to stick to it's cars only that kill us.

    some other points of view from the nhs

    If you like lots of facts, defra 1987 to 2016 with some surprising figures
    #97 noobie, Jul 26, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2017
  17. That's cause car drivers are an easy hit for money I reckon.
  18. Hydrogen powered cars could potentially remove 99% of the bikes from the roads.
    All that water being produced and then dumped out the exhaust pipe, straight onto the roads. Thousands of bikers peering through the curtains, staring glumly at the permanently wet roads outside, "feck that, I`m not getting my bike wet, I`ll polish it instead." A generation of bikers, lost to the shed. Then, how long before a tax on Autosol, for the environmental damage caused by the fumes coming from thousands of garages and sheds across the country. Will no one think of the ice caps and the polar bears and the puppies and the kittens.
    2040 is a while away yet. In 23 years time, an electric/hydrogen/politicians bullshit powered new vehicle may be most peoples first choice anyway, petrol or diesel being no more of an option to them than steam would be today.
    I`ll be 73 then and probably to old for a Ducati sportsbike so plan "B" for me is this:

    Thank you Colin Furze, a petrol powered engine in a mobility scooter. Hooning about on my quick blast to the post office for my pension. Hell yeah, it`s better to burn out, than fade away.
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  19. nail on the fucken head... I live and work in London and think 4x4's should be taxed into obscurity. If you live within the catchment area for ya school, there should be no need to drive to said school.. If ya don't , you are breaking the law and should be shot with your own shit...
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