No More I.c. Vehicles From 2040!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by 900streetfighter, Jul 26, 2017.

  1. I think you'll find phones back then just did calls and didn't have to support the data they do know and were bigger ;)

  2. Thank god I will be long gone by then
  3. A charging point every 20 miles is what is proposed (but only on main roads) so how will that work then?

    There will be queues of cars waiting to being charged on the hard shoulder every 20 miles on the motorways, I guess.

    Still, that's more revenue when Plod start nicking all of the drivers for stopping on the hard shoulder.

    'Every 20 miles' - its a joke. A bit like 'high speed broadband in every home'.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. You will still have your gold coach and nice horses though.
  5. Valhalla - it's the burning boat for me chap! Born in Scotland so obviously Scottish? Imagine my delight when a DNA ancestory test puts me firmly on the Norwegian coast and of Viking stock

  6. You still on dial up then?? :D
  7. Be much easier with a 'quick swap' battery system

    Just replace depleted ones with fully charged

    Unless there are Apple Cars then we're all fuc'd
  8. Who still uses apple?? .... . Der!!! ;)
  9. Just replaced the battery on a CPI BRAVE - shitty 50cc Chinese Ped/scooter thing.Goes flat in 3 days - what chance is there of an electric car with a decent range? Apple can't even put a decent battery in an I phone
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Just replaced the battery on a CPI BRAVE - shitty 50cc Chinese Ped/scooter thing.Goes flat in 3 days - what chance is there of an electric car with a decent range? Apple can't even put a decent battery in an I phone
  11. w.w.3 wont cater for any pollution nonsense. in fact, the earth will probably just default to day1 all over again, and instead of t-rex bones, they will find v-twin bones.......
  12. I hope Virgin or BT don't get their big piggy snouts in the franchise trough to install millions of charging points for all these cars.. they still can't get the internet delivered successfully to thousands of homes yet so god forbid if they get in on that game ..

    Branson is probably planning a Virgin car as we speak! Will be advertising before you know it..

    With Virgin you get..

    Cars range on a charge = 500miles.. in reality 50 at a push..

    cars speed 300mph! Reality = 40mph..

    charge time =30 mins... reality you get back to pick up your fully charged car only to find no charge at all, just a continuous buffering O symbol on screen..

    And all this for only £500 a month!

    Plus, if you do break down.. " we will come out to you in within 3 working days, our engineer will visit you sometime between the hours of 9am and 6pm.. " "alternatively you can call our help centre!"

    Situated in India .obv ...
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. I'll have my bus pass by then and doubt I'll still be driving if I am still gracing this planet with my unrelentless pressence
  14. In the 1890's personal transportation was horse based. Thirty years later they were all gone. The same will happen with "dirty" IC based vehicles.......the march of technology is not a will happen......
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. It may well "come" to Europe,USA etc but I bet they will still be manufacturing and driving Austin Ambassadors in India
  16. Not even comparable is it??
  17. In 10 years or so 100% of partners will first meet on line but there will always be those who like the thrill of the chase and pulling a girl well above our entitlement
  18. People in the states are like people in liverpool, tribal. You are either a ford man or a chevy man. Two friends I know out there are like this, Ford have been pushing the F150 "ecotec 3.5 v6" as an economy vehicle and chevy have been pushing their 4.3 v6 again as an economy vehicle both doing around 15mpg around town and around 28 on the highway

    Both view these "small" engines with great suspicion believing car companies are making vehicles so complex that home servicing cannot happen and non are built to last 60 years as their fathers trucks have. So last year the ford man bought 5 litre v8 and the chevy man a 6.2 v8. Funnily enough both are pretty much the same mpg around town and about 5 miles per gallon less on the motorway but they are sure the bigger engines for trucks is the right thing.

    Most of the states never fell for the diesel lie but it's going to see how more and more countries moving away from diesel and petrol, just how economies which have a very heavy economy based on providing petrol and diesel to other countries will fair.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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