doesent that article prove my point? i would be surprised if you could find fault with the grammar let alone the content. see loz, you can be quite optimistic when it suits. yip its a process. a process with many outcomes. one of which could be a begging letter asking to be aloud back in. so, we shall keep rocking the brexiteers boat. is who not telling you the whole truth jv? the government would lie about energy would they?
I like linkies as you know fin, so I found one that reflected the majority of Scots opinions after indi 1 Even has subtitles for the broader wee Hugh Mcflipflop, some say, it might be Alex Salmon singing, dunno ?
I don't disagree with any of this but we are still using resources at an alarming rate and humanity is having a devastating effect upon the planet and it's ecosystems. The plastics in the ocean problem alone is appalling. We are fucking it up and we need to change but what will it take to make us do so ?
being of a tory background with no real ability to think about the greater good i guess you will be needing telt
The only way to properly address perceived environmental/ecological issues is to vote Green. I am of course ignoring other important factors but John did ask the question and this is the answer.
Sky are doing a big thing on this at the moment. I am puzzled however, my rubbish goes in the bin and the bin men take it away, I don't throw it in the river, streams or sea. Then I see sky go to some remote island saying look, see, see this is what plastic is doing to the sea and I think, I effin know I have not flown to the maldives and dumped a load of coke bottles in the sea It just seems , we are being week after week told we are responsible for most of this and need to pay for it when in fact we have shitloads of safeguards all bought, taxed and paid for and the crap stuff isn't even coming from the U.K.
I am in Paris at the moment. Electric scooters, buses, hybrid and electric cars and delivery vans are either commonplace or the norm. Britain is a nation of inward thinking luddites.
Me too, it was full of diesel Renaults & Citroens covered in dents with the occupants busy puffing on full fat Gauloises
I have seen beaches on islands off the west coast of Scotland covered in plastic containers non of which I recognised which probably didn't enter the sea from the UK. Google "Pacific Gyre" This is a world wide problem and whilst we are probably better than most, it is affecting us all.
Very true. The British Isles are directly in the path of the gulf stream which conveys vast amounts of water and junk from the central and southern Atlantic right onto our shores. Chesil Beach in Dorset is routinely knee-deep in sea-borne refuse after a storm, and apart from a bit of debris from damaged inshore fishing gear, most of that which is identifiable is of foreign origin and a lot of it has clearly been in the sea for a very long time. Some of it will be years old. If you draw a line from Portland Cove to Lyme Regis and strike off from it at 90 degrees you won't hit land until you get to Venezuela. Every single piece of dross and jetsam floating in between, even if it get's trapped in an ocean gyre is most likely to come ashore eventually somewhere on the western coasts of the UK and Ireland. We are the Atlantic's dumping ground and there's very little you can do about it. The country of origin of an individual item proves nothing. A lot of it has been lost or deliberately jettisoned from shipping in international waters. It is impossible to police.
It just seems sometimes that we are supposed to sort something out we already have in our country, taxed to earth with environmental taxes and initiatives whilst the real culprits seem to face no consequence or in it's simplest terms, we are being mugged off and when is it going to stop?
and yet you spend 99% of your time on here defending the group thats best equipped to deal with it. yer a strange upside down arse over elbow kind of fellow aint yah?
I am an upside down arse over elbow kind of fellow fin, yes. But if a pikey dumps on my land and all I do about it is keeping paying the bill to clear it rather than deal with the pikey, then the dumping by someone else will continue. Tackle the cause and those responsible rather than keep getting someone else to pay for it. It's a bit like them uber cabs called charity boats in the med.
Bloody foreigners. Maybe we should build a big moat round the Country. Wouldn't stop that foreign air coming over though so maybe we should build a big glass bubble over the Country. Whilst we are at it, let's do a DNA test on everyone in the UK to see how British we really all are. Anyone with s hint if foreigner in them will be asked to leave. That should make Britain a green and pleasant land. With not a single person living here.