Duke, are you Owen Jones? I don't think I've seen such a drama queen but you are a perfect example of that small clique within the remainer section. Unless we agree with you then we are racist, xenophobic, homophobic, islamaphobic misogynists. People like you would have stopped at the wooden wheel. Flounce baby, flounce Or as normal people see it, your welcome as long as you have something to offer Don't do that duke, I suspect at some point you may have humped a relative, I can see that within you And yet the biggest argument we have at the moment is that we want to protect eu migrants under our country specific laws and want to remove the two tier immigration standard that the eu insists on that says eu migrants are of a higher standard than those outside of it. So infact duke it is you that supports a two tier racist immigration policy by supporting the eu, go figure
Maybe - but how about this? Perhaps the announcement is scaremongering by the Govt to 'persuade' drivers to change to electric vehicles under their own steam before 2040 to see what the take-up is of electric vehicles; rather than providing a scrappage scheme which will cost a small fortune. But 2040 is 23 years away - so maybe the take-up will be a natural progression as older drivers die out and new know-all about driving twits take to the roads.
Everyone still misses the point that once autonomous cars are the norm then insurance costs are likely to put non-autonomous vehicles off the road.
In politics, a week is a long time and five or ten years ahead is the far future. Any "policy announcement" relating to a time five or six elections and parliaments ahead amounts to no more than science fiction. 2040? The date might as well have been given as 2140. This policy will be reversed, reinstated, and postponed several times between now and 2040.
So,you wont be able to buy a new toy with a petrol engine.If you buy a classic off your grandad,youll only be able to insure it if you have one of those telemetric things fitted.If you go over the speed limit,you will recieve a NIP from Plod,youtube division,because someone had you on dashcam.FFS.Welcome to tomorrow.Cant wait.
Buy a Panigale, grind the Vin off, remove the number plates and ride it anyway and fuck em. What are they going to catch you with? And the helicopters will be grounded.
Apart from Honda + others that are developing hydrogen powered fuel cell vehicles......and I'm sure that they'll be others hedging their bets. The common thread is that they are all looking for alternatives to ic power.
The idea is not to make people independently mobile. Once fully autonomous , the cars will belong to super large conglomerates or governments so they will be able to be tracked, monitored and priced but under the pretence of "research for future travel and traffic levels" the cars would effectively be government taxis on a hire/leased basis. Their will be no insurance, tax and servicing as it will be included in the one off monthly fee. they will probably price non autonomous as you say, off the road
Mad Max here we come. Not so far fetched after all. Alot of talk on lithium, wasnt The Starship Enterprise powered with Di lithium?? All these old films and sci fi series are becoming reality. Lets see 2040 i will be 78, too young to give up my V twin.
If I remember correctly, Warp drive required dilithium crystals and without them, or when output was low, they could get by on impulse power alone.......but were limited to sub light speed......a bit like current hybrids...
Honda have had hydrogen powered cars on sale for about ten years but they have never sold because it's not an easy source of energy to store.