Aluminium, stainless.....sheet and tube

Discussion in 'Builds & Projects' started by Android, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. I work at an Aviation company and see quite a bit of aluminium sheet and stainless off cuts thrown in the scrap bin if you have a need drop me a line and I will endevour to see whats around.
    Mostly the fasteners are UNF threads so not alot of good.
    Solid Aluminium rivets.
    sheet alli is mostly "clad" meaning there is a soft pure alli coating about .004" thick both sides(scratches easy but corrosion resistant)

    Not for sale just need to cover postage.
    Andy P
    #1 Android, Dec 21, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2012
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  2. Excellent find, was hoping to restore my BSA next year, any UNC fasteners?
  3. I may need some sheet aluminium. Have to get some measurements first though.
  4. sorry popelli unc only in little threads, 10-24, 8-32, etc I expect you need 1/4 and up......?
  5. Solid rivets are good for exhaust cans!

    Nice offer

  6. Only if you can get your reaction block in there to set them...:smile:
  7. Got stainless in mine now as the alloy ones melted. Rearest ones as well
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