No More I.c. Vehicles From 2040!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by 900streetfighter, Jul 26, 2017.

  1. I see. So you would characterise yourself as a poor designer but with a lively sense of colour?
  2. if you where to consider the company i have been keeping surely a lively sense of humor would be a prerequisite?.
  3. I got as far as the first line fin and when I saw it "Harassed readers occupied with surviving corporate-run DUP Britain "

    I stopped reading it.If the article was meant to be serious, it lost it in it's constant everyone is shit but the Scottish, boring trope.
  4. right on cue. only noob or somebody like noob could read that, in to that.
    full of home truths was it?
  5. finm's right, noob.

    There was a lot of self-hate in the article ... hatred for Britain ... of which Scotchland is one minor region ... why do the Scottish hate themselves so?
  6. They are peculiar people some of them Loz, so needy like they need a hug

    On cue?I was nearlty 40 minutes after you posted, I had things to do

    As I said fin and as most of your posts prove, your continually losing your message because it surrounds it in hate, they often are , mmm look at this lovely sausage roll with a prize winning sausage wrapped in barbed wire.

    I can't help you with that fin, it's in your snp dna
  7. It isn't an opening to encourage further reading.

    I got as far as

    I’m pretty sure early electric cars will have a back-up battery for motorists who don’t keep an eye on charge levels, so relax.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. hmm, you will watch his moves and documentaries but not read his essays? to critical of the british state maybe?
    which is ultimately why you guys dont know shit. you can however craft a good post based on bolox right enough. you should get in to timeshare. you will make a fortune.
    theres a whole world out there not written about in the torygraph and bbc. btw. broaden yer horizons kids
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. If broadening your horizons means letting in more hate , then yes fin, I'm unlikely to want to broaden that horizon, if however the article was factual and informative without hate I would have read it.

    You assume to much sir,most of your posts are anti U.K. the SNP are the second coming, fish people will save the world etc.

    After a while they become as boring as duke's "the world is all doooomed I tell ya dooomed" That doesn't mean we are not interested in such things as Scottish independence but do become bored of the hate party that is Scotlands own ukip, the snp.

    I like sweets, love them, but if a get a bag of sweets that has a bitter lemon in it, I won't eat it, I'll still eat sweets though but in your snp world fin, that's all you have, a bag of bitter lemons
  10. is that what the essay said? hmm, pretty sure it said britain was under orders from the EU re emissions, was behind the game in electrification and most of the new electric mini will only be assembled in england. strange kid so ye are noob.
  11. A question for you, finm.

  12. yip, sorry not written in dailfail. i can understand yer confusion.
  13. Interesting how Loz and Nobbie reckon that Finm and I talk shite yet appear to read our every word :joy:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. That'll be the first thing you've understood in quite some time!
  15. dude, they hang on our every word. on here they need to appear strong, but behind the screen they are really quite unstable. :upyeah:
    • Funny Funny x 2
  16. To be honest, I would miss Dookie's posts if matron ever withdrew his internet privileges.

    He is hilarious in a way that finm can never hope to match.
  17. DQ.
    • Drama Queen Drama Queen x 1
  18. Obviously living in a one room bedsit means Loz and Nobbie get very lonely. Maybe they should move in together
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. maybe they are the same person. Jekyll and Hyde. loz is Mr Hyde and noob is jackass sorry Jekyll.
    • Like Like x 1
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