I need to write strong letter

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Char, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. [FONT=&quot]Although not sure who to

    Trying to get my 17 year old to pass his A2 before the 19th when all hell is let loose and the laws change - although don't bother asking how they change unless you have an hour or two

    Anyway he failed his Mod 1 (put a foot down) so he needs to re take - well don't bother trying on line direct with .Gov as ALL the slots have gone - and why - because all the 'schools' have blocked booked them

    Therefore if you want to take a Mod 1 you have to go with a school who will charge £100 for the privilege of accompanying him up to Newbury for a £15 test

    Luckily managed to get in to Poole for the 2nd

    So assuming he passes Mod 2 - here we go - spaces again only via 'Schools'

    Stupid Bollixing Government - it will all be privatised soon

    The new rules after the 19th - there won't be any new riders to buy bikes[/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]So, assuming you want to ride a motorcycle, if you start on your 17th birthday, for the first two years you’ll be riding a 125. After that, it’ll be at least your 21st birthday and you’ll have to pass a total of three tests* before you can gain a full, unrestricted category A licence.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]And if you decide to avoid the intermediate stages by taking a single ‘Direct Access’ test, you’ll have to wait till you’re 24 rather than 21 as it is at the moment.[/FONT]

    rant over
  2. Char give me a ring 01226 715036 I might be able to help
  3. I was a DAS instructor for years before joining the service, 12 years ago. I am at a loss as to the logic behind the way the new test will benefit anyone at all. Sure am glad I have mine, not sure about my 8 year olds chances when the time comes though.
  4. Its those bleedin eurocrats in Brussels that are the cause of this in an effort to standardise the licensing across europe :mad:
  5. thanks Duke1276

    appreciated the chat
  6. Mmmmm,let me think.How does it go?..Hi,want some gay chat?Then give me a call..Ask for Big Dukey.01226 715...
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  7. Try Phoenix in Amesbury. See if they have any un-taken slots youcan use. They hold slots, then if guys fail the mod 1 cancel them. Very good to deal with, I did all my training with them.

    You should be able to use the slot, without the instructor etc.

  8. Yup phoenix all the way !!!!!!!!! FB phoenix motorcycle training Barnsley ( like the page or I'll block book all the tests!!!)
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  9. Guess it depends whats its worth. Is £100 that much in the scheme of things if it guarantees a place? If they can get ot, you want it, go for it.

    although the thought of my 16yr almost 17yr old near any form of two or four wheels fills me with dread...
  10. This new test structure sucks. If it sticks then it will be the death of biking I reckon. We should count ourselves lucky for being able to enjoy the golden age of the 80s and 90s.
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  11. So glad I passed Jan 96 - cbt then a test on a 125 and I was licensed for anything. It was all fo simple then *sigh*
  12. Give him my Best Wishes Char.
    hope he passes
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  13. I agree with you fella. The rules are done and dusted, it's law and that's it, get used to it (perhaps in future when someone posts a petition against anti-biking legislation you'll all sign it rather than ignore it...). But I actually think it'll be good for biking. Now the law is standardised across Europe manufacturers are taking a look at it and building bikes to suit the categories, especially the A2 class where most riders will find themselves. Many riders of the 250cc learner era never bothered to take their test because a 250 was big enough to be viable all-use transport, and I think the same will happen again, they'll progress to A2 and stop there.

    More interesting is that it seems to be opening the door to Asian and Indian manufacturers, and that means cheap usable bikes, which will bring more interest to younger riders, commuters, etc. I can see this new law being a good thing for biking in the long term.
  14. Well then it's a shame we don't get the ease (and age) of bike access that some of the EU gets...
  15. Char. I feel your frustration.
    My colleague was part way through her test two weeks ago and failed the module 2. The test centre said that there were no slots to take it again before the changes and that she would have to pay for and take the whole lot again from scratch under the new rules. Absolutely criminal. Fortunately she found a cancellation and passed successfully last Tuesday.

    I cannot remember exactly but there is somebody on MAG who is petitioning the government to introduce equally onerous tests for car drivers on the grounds of equality. If he gets sufficient signatures then it could really put the cat amongst the pigeons. Personally I hope he succeeds because that would show up the bureaucrats for the idiots they are!!
  16. Here it is. Now will everyone, just for once, sign the bloody thing:mad:
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  17. Cheers Figaro. Signed and linky sent on to mates (ok, mate). Never know, car restrictions for newbie drivers could genuinely bring accident rates, and hence insurance rates down (in my whisky numbed utopian mind, anyway).
  18. Cheers Fig - I've signed it.
  19. Signed.. The block booking by schools been going on for years.
    Took my test in 94 couldn't get a slot near or in my town.
    I was given the option of Bedford..
    Would have meant 1hr 45 at least on a 100cc paying an instructor to travel down with me and back.
    In the end one slot came up in Colchester still had to hire bike an pay for instructor to come with.

    All because schools block booked.
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