I'm dying to know ...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Pete1950, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. Agree with PeterT & Pixie - - bad bad timing.
  2. It's hardly surprising that the subject of death comes up after someone's demise. It's neither appropriate nor inappropriate, it's just a subject that some would rather not think about. If we'd started a subject about bumming schoolchildren after a forum member gets banged away for it, would people be saying 'shush' then..?
  3. Aanyway...I back out of the bank, still aiming my gun at the teller, only to turn around and find the entire police forced taking aim...
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  4. Fig - Have you been drinking again?!?! :biggrin:
  5. At 28 I've never really worried about death too much but over the last year or so I've fought about it quite a few times. Thinking about when, and how etc. quite morbid really, and I always come to the same conclusion that I need t live as much as possible and have no regrets. If it happened sooner rather than later I would feel cheated as I don't want to leave my girlfriend alone, and my parents without their son. Nothing else matters.
  6. Merry xmas [hic]!:biggrin:
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  7. Live everyday like it's your last, because one day it will be ! :upyeah: I never expected to last this long, so anything is a bonus, I'm 45 y.o. In fact I have drowned 4 times already, thanks to CPR I'm still here. Still can't swim tho'. :biggrin:
  8. I don't think this is the right time for this at all it's upsetting
  9. 4 drowning and you say you still can not swim. Dude you obviously could not swim during 1st drowning so why did you try 3 more times?!
  10. On the subject I will live forever. I am young enough to think that. This is why, hint I will be terminator:

    #30 Lucazade, Dec 23, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2014
  11. I'm sorry but I disagree. Death is an unsavoury subject and for some there's never a right time to discuss it, but with the death of a loved one so fresh in our minds it's perfectly natural that the subject should rear it's head. Read through the 470four thread and feel the warmth emanating from your monitor, then check back here and see if you can spot any distasteful remarks - you won't find any. As per usual on this forum the replies are well thought out, often humourous, and always within the bounds of decency. It's just another subject.
  12. I have read the thread and replied .
    If it had been a crash I'd understand .

    but I'm just terribly upset namely because his friend probably does not want to see this thread
    I just found at this particular moment a tad distasteful .
    Just in respect for his friend and even his GF may see this or family.
    im sorry I'm a bit sensitive .

    I appreciate that it faces us all..
    it's the circle of life ..
    But a little bit of consideration and kindness to his poor friend who from the other thread is rightly upset and probably reading the letter given to him ..
    the guys struggling you can see by his posts and the fact then his friend then posted for him.

    I know this is an anything goes forum as the thread for the certain evil Harry potter man thread went.

    another time yes but right now no..

    It's not down to me ..

    ive sat up all night upset and also for other reasons ..

    nuff said ...
    I'm sure Rob would have pulled or locked this if he felt the need to..
    I guess it's a case of if you don't like don't read or comment.

    sorry ... I was just thinking about his mate on here ..
    Also maybe his GF or family have been combing places online trying to make sense of it all
    To then read this .... Big no really.

    said my bit ..
    Anyway hope people donate ..
    Maybe his family would like flowers or maybe he had a charity he was fond of.,
    hope one of his family look after his beloved Doocat !
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  13. Quick painless and hopefully not today - I really hope I dont end up a burden on anyone

    I dont believe in him up stairs but I would like to think that if reincarnation exists that I come back as a cat, otherwise it would be nice to end up back where you came from - surrounded by warm water the sound of a heart beat with no thoughts or expectations just the warm glow of peace

    Watched my dad die from motoneuron disease - went from fit and healthy to such a sad state but still took 2 years to claim his life - I dont want to go like that

    My mum has told me shes been 'on her way out' for the past 40 years , still going strong at 80 and tells me every year this is her last Christmas - meh
  14. I was thinking of a modern twist on a Viking funeral. Start the fuglystrada up, plonk me on top, petrol, match, then let the clutch out...
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  15. That made me chuckle :)
  16. As we all get older you think more about this subject especially if you have a close shave, in the last three years I have lost 3 very close friends to cancer and I have also suffered with cancer and chemo myself, laying in bed at night wondering how long you have left is not very nice, luckily in my case things look o.k. now, watching them in pain and deteriorate at the end is not a way I want to depart this place. Peacefully in my sleep will do nicely thank you.
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  17. I think that rather than concentrating on your demise you should be focussing on what you want to do before you get there. Too many people just drift aimlessly along on a current which is only heading one way.
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  18. Too right, after i got the all clear my first trip was to the I.O.M TT followed by WDW, enjoy life as much as you can.
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  19. Death isn't always a comfortable subject and not everyone can talk about it or what they want
    If this thread has generated a feeling that can be shared with us and not always in the real world then that's got to be a good thing
    Perhaps had this been started Darren may have had been able to post something to how he felt
    Who knows but if this too helps others to talk about how they feel then it can only be positive.
    I hope Darrens family and friends find some comfort in how open we all can be in our forum family
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  20. let's not forget that at most funeral's end the moods lighten's. Not because there is no respect for the closest of friends and family but because people feel the bond that brings them there.

    There has been grief, but there is also the need to continue, to look beyond at hope.

    perhaps this thread could be seen in that respect..

    For myself, it it would be possible to look down on the forum and see so many people gather over my demise, hosnetly, i'd be flattered...

    this said, i fully understand that some find it poor timing...
    #40 kope999R, Dec 23, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2012
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