looking at the wording they say no petrol or diesel engines does this rule out all hybrids too? a possible loophole .... although dont know how im going to get reclaimed power from my rg500 or 1098
As most hybrids are electric engines with diesel generators, I'd say they've worded that to make sure they are safe because pure electric isn't realistic with current electric vehicles.
"... a majority of their electricity ...": indeed. That is a long way from being a majority of their total energy consumption. A large proportion of energy consumption (for heating, cooking, shipping, industrial processes) is in the form of gas or oil. And that is over and above the large proportion of electricity generated from fossil fuels. At the risk of repeating myself, hydro wind & solar has a very, very long way to go before it can even replace ordinary energy consumption, let alone begin to make the slightest contribution to road transport. May I mention a countervailing example. Iceland has a vast surplus of electrical energy all of it derived from hydro and geothermal sources, and has no fossil fuels whatever. Given those highly exceptional circumstances, it is rational in Iceland to use electricity for domestic heating, for smelting aluminium, for charging traction batteries, and even (what would be bonkers anywhere else) producing hydrogen to use for propelling fishing boats. What suits Iceland does not remotely suit the UK though.
So some government minister in 1994 makes an announcement about a policy change to take effect in 2017, 23 years in the future. Six general elections and several changes of government later, who cares what was announced in 1994? Who cares what arguments there were about the details of the policy in 1994? Is it not obvious that any announcement today about 2040 is just a "kicking into the long grass" moment?
obviously there is more than one of you. hmm, are Siamese twins classed as one or two people?. anyhoo, just answer the fookin question. jim Rodgers tells me you have nothing else to pay for your debt. will you be looking for another seventy's style bail out?. how much jam do you need to sell to pay for 1.8trill debt? how much jam do you need to sell to by a tesla?
We are? Brexit would suggest differently, you may have heard of it? We had a big volt, the majority won