Darren/470four donations

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Rob, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. Hi all,

    Darren was a big contributor on Ducati Forum and will be sorely missed. If you would like to contribute to condolences/wreath please click the button below and mark 470four. All proceeds will be passed on.

    Kind regards,



    • Like Like x 7
  2. Well done Rob....thank you.
  3. I'd like to think everyone here will donate. It doesn't have to be much, a couple of quid will go a long way on such a popular forum.
  4. Thanks Rob
  5. Thanks Rob
  6. thanks Rob
  7. Thanks Rob. RIP Darren.
  8. Thanks Rob
    Darren's passions were motorcycles and guitars
    l think we can do something appropiate
    Steve B
  9. Thankyou Rob
    RIP Darren
  10. Thanks Rob.
  11. Cheers Rob
  12. Done, thanks Rob, shame Darren didn't know how much people care.
  13. Thanks Rob, donation made. I hope this unfortunate incident will be remembered by everyone on here, and should they find themselves in a similar circumstance, they will be reminded that there are loads of folk on here who care and would help out wherever they could. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to the thread, and to those who have, or still are to donate. Chris
    • Like Like x 1
  14. I echo Archer
    My ear and shoulder is always there should anyone need it.
  15. Thanks for setting this up rob. Done
  16. Wow, what an amazing response.

    Weve already had over £160 donated.

    Deepest thanks to you all :)

    • Like Like x 1
  17. Oh wow :)
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