Thats Gone And Blown It!!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by cookster, Mar 15, 2017.

  1. Lol which bike you want mate?? There all for sale for the right money.:p
  2. Hmmm, what ya got, would quite like a Superduke R, or maybe something classic (Z1/H2/RG500) ??

    You can go back to riding in about 20 years or so, so maybe worth hanging on to them....:grinning:
  3. 1198, 996sps, r1, gsxr. Would only sell for right money not giving them away.:upyeah:
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Soz mate, not a fan of sports bikes anymore, only got one left in the garage to convince myself I'm still young :grinning:
    But them pesky kids take the energy right out of ya :weary_face: so I'll stick with the Mutley's etc. You and Mrs "C" enjoy your day, and I'll look out for these bargain superbikes on Autotrader :sob:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  5. 20170811_122621.jpg
    Me and baby.
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  6. He's got a nice sps he's trying to shift ;)
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  7. Good lord, thankfully the little one has got her mums good looks !! :grinning:
  8. @Wayne58 it's been a long 3 days thank you!!:mad: lol:joy:.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Awww suits you being a dad
    You do look knackered :)
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  10. To be honest I did actually go home for a kip last night. .
  11. Nothing wrong with that, her indoors has a bed for a while so why shouldn't you. It will be the sleepness nights that get you next, some will the sprog gurgling but most will be the new parents panic, we all got it, don't worry. if it helps, team work works a treat, Me and mine took 5 hour shifts so one of us could get some kip in the first few weeks. I tended to let the mrs 5 hours go longer as she needed it more than me.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  12. Both of are really chilled and been round baby's before were not really panicers but what ever will be will be.
  13. OK OK, 6 grand for the 1198, I'm only doing this to help out with the expense of the baby, no need to thank me cooky, just tell me when I can collect. :D:upyeah:;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. Congratulations mate!!! From now on keep telling gets easier....which is complete bollocks but youll start to convince yourself after awhile!!
    Shes adorable!
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  15. If he sells for 6k, you're second in late matey ;)
  16. Race ya there, and by your own admission, you're a plod-der. ;)
  17. And I live 8 miles away and let him have some almost new wets at mates rates - i.e. a favour ;)
  18. Bugger!!! :D
  19. Congratulations you both must be very pleased. Hope you enjoy it all the way until she becomes a teenager.
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  20. what ever happens the 1198 wont be going anywhere for 6k :joy:
    • Funny Funny x 1
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