North Yorkshire Doc Branch Maybe?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Carl848, Aug 14, 2017.

  1. Following a discussion earlier on DOC GB facebook page, exploring possibility of a branch for North Yorkshire ducati owners, centred roughly in Ripon/Harrogate. Tag this post maybe if you might be interested. Carl
  2. Are you a member of the branch based in East Yorkshire?

    And thread moved ;)
  3. No, it's a bit far from me and where I ride
  4. It is from me on a weekly basis but they do occasionally meet at squires.

    And a North Yorkshire one would be too far from me too by the time I finish work in the evening.
  5. Where abouts are you?
  6. Holmfirth
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  7. Great place, looked at houses there before we moved up to Harrogate, do they still have the cinema with a bar that serves Landlord all through the film?
  8. ive never complained riding from Lincolnshire for the East Yorkshire meet, ive met someone who ridden from rotherham/sheffield distance... My first trip to italy there was a guy i went with who was from your neck of the woods who commutes on his duke to Brough near North Ferriby so quit complaining...
  9. No need to be rude Rebel, it's a free country. I wasn't complaining, simply canvassing interest
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  10. The picturedrome! It still shows the occasional film but is mainly a music venue nowadays. Worth looking to see what's on now and again! :)
  11. Not complaining just saying that by the time I finish at the office, get home, have something to eat it's bed time :p
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  12. Well in the flesh, am brutality honest like a kid, tactless... so its no different here... Some ppl say ive got Asperger's

    Hey El have you ever been, It was Carl saying it was too far...
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  13. I'm near Easingwold so would prob join in a North Yorks group
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  14. Check out Facebook at Ducati Owners North Yorkshire. New group
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