1200 DVT I'm Surprised This Has Not Come Up Yet

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by dddd, Aug 13, 2017.

  1. Just relaying what hilltop have put up...nothing more. Hilltop are quite highly respected as far as i know...its funny as while i was typing that i thought....."Bradders'll be along soon..." :)

    I must hasten to add the after is with a full system...i should have said that initially...
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  2. Our Suzuki's & Kawasaki's? o_O
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  3. Not really - my bike goes like stink. It was more out of interest than anything else.

    Every dyno tells a different story :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. They do but, my reasoning is more from a manufacturers point of view....they produce a figure but thats vastly inflated generally across the board, and then in turn the magazines pick up on it and then ride that scooter til the wheels fall off...but then the end result in that is the pub ammo that comes from that.
  5. Or when they say a desert serves 2 :yum
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Oh mate, those Termi's are well worth the money then....All they do is turn petrol in to noise !!!??
  7. S1000R was only quoted as 160bhp....Just sayin ;)
  8. I read on numerous occasions it was 180....i even got told at the time by jhs bloke too...even so allowing for drivers loss they're still 10 out...
  9. Ok...point taken....still 10 out...thats quite a bit...ill have to go looking now!
  10. Not aimed at you fella, you know that, just that the chart is miles off what everyone else has said. Isn't HT the one who insisted they can custom map a DVT too? ;)
  11. Not aimed at you fella, you know that, just that the chart is miles off what everyone else has said. Isn't HT the one who insisted they can custom map a DVT too? ;)
  12. That's OK....as I say it was just to reiterate that manufacturers are.....more than generous with their figures....wish they were with their prices..!
  13. Is it just me that has never purchased a bike, knowing what the BHP figure is? :thinkingface:

    All I care about is how it rides round corners.
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  14. No...me too...thats why I chose my z1000 above the s1000r....love everything about it.
  15. Although you do spend a load of money getting it modded and keep mentioning how much power it's got :p
    • Funny Funny x 2
  16. Yeah. Cos I love it...just makes it better...i mentioned the power as after the dyno work it made a massive difference.
  17. Some I haven't even ridden so hoped they went around corners :upyeah:

    Power quoted is only useful if you think it's way down for some reason. Or, as said right at the top, pub bragging rights :cool:
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  18. There's also the bragging rights associated with "I don't need bragging rights, I'm above all that".
    Those are even cooler than normal bragging rights :thumbup:
    • Agree Agree x 2
  19. Saying all that, I had a go on the 1290 SuperDuke R last weekend. Faaack that things rapid. Don't know what it makes in terms of figures, but I came back blabbering on about it having warp drive instead of gears.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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