indeed. i operate care homes and see aging in it s final fazes on a daily basis. And frankly, given the choice between living to the fullest or gaining another year or two at the end, there could not be a more easy one to pick... of course i want to get to 82.. see my kids and hopefully grandkids grow up to adulthood. But not by depriving myself of everything pleasurable just to gain another extra 2 ones... the only thing that is left at that age, is the picture book of ones life... so to have a good time then, there better be some pictures! and those are made right now!
Someone missing this christmas? it is a subject that i never really talk about, or i struggle to talk about, sometimes it is easier to write about i guess with people that you dont know, when loved ones leave us, they leave people behind who might need a bit of encouragement and a shoulder to lean on at this time of year, i spent over an hour chatting to my step mum this morning about my dad, he passed away earlier this year in April after a long three month battle in hospital, he was a keen biker and hung up his gloves, boots and helmet towards the end of last year, i guess maybe then he thought he might not have long to live, or he knew he was getting sick, he never showed it. I'd hate to go out that way, but i guess at the time he was comfortable in the fact that he had his family and loved ones around him to care for him, support him, and to keep him company in his last few weeks. We have to move on, and if discussing things openly on here helps in any way, then we're better for it. There will be an empty space this year at the table when i go up and visit, but it will be filled with laughter, and fond memories x RIP to Darren, a guy i had never met, but encountered him daily, my thoughts go out to his family, friends and loved ones at this time, and hopefully they might take some comfort in reading some of the tributes and what others have said who knew him personally Ride Safe
to quote iron maiden " as soon as your born your dying" ..... best cram as much shit in as possible then !!!! , I always thought I was gonna get the good news from one of my explosive's adventures (always getting up close for the rush ) ......or die in a hail of lead hornets??? now I suppose it'll just be in a hailstorm ??? I don't particularly think I want to die , but life really does throw some regular throat punch's ......still I have emm , and quite frankly she is to die for. xxx
This post is disrespectful to Darren/470four and all the people he has left behind. Maybe in a month or so but not now. It should be removed. it's not acceptable to say "then do not read it". it's easy to create this type of post but would you Ask Darren's girlfriend and family if you we're in the same room as them?
It seems to me that when a death occurs the occasion leads many people think about mortality, bereavement, and what the future holds. This is both appropriate and inevitable. A few folk prefer not to think about it and sweep it under the carpet – that is their right too. This thread may, I hope, help some people to crystallise their thoughts and their worries. It may also help some to know that they are not alone. You say it should be removed, Richard. You are entitled to your opinions on the topic, of course. However you are not, I think, entitled to censor other people’s views. For my part, all contributions are welcome.
This thread isn't about Darren, it's about mortality and your thoughts on it. Yes, it may have been brought about by his death, but do you honestly expect everyone to brush a death under the carpet and think nothing but happy thoughts? It's not going to happen.
No.... But decorum .... I think these things should be pondered on after someone is laid to rest. like we do at wakes....
I'm with HELLCAT and others with this, when I saw the thread this morn, my initial thought was NO NO NO!!! but with some reflection I see where its all coming from....I will say though a couple of days grace may have been correct...I am well gutted with the news of Darren's demise, cos I wanted a crankcase protector mesel....
No one has to read this thread. I'd be surprised if Darren's nearest and dearest are doing so, but again, they don't have to. The unfortunate and sad even has prompted Pete to start a thread - and I can see why. I have to say that I skip most of the stuff on this forum, having no great interest in the woes of Fuglystrada riders. Everyone else can show the same restraint.
I've already said what I think however just reading some comments I don't think it's appropriate to start bitching at one another because some do and some don't like the I said before its a worthwhile topic but not yet.....if I'd lost my other half duke1276 who is also an active member of this forum and I saw this post quite honestly you would have insulted me.
if i could choose the manner of my passing then it would be at the age of 90 by way of a gunshot to the back of my head from the jealous boyfriend of the 24yr old playboy bunny that i had just ejaculated into.