Bah Humbug

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Stressed Hippo, Dec 24, 2012.

  1. I love riding my bike, cleaning my bike, owning my bike, listening to music, cooking, eating, drinking, hill walking, power walking for charity, reading etc.

    BUT I FUCKING HATE CHRISTMAS (XMAS IS WORSE). Does that make me a bad person?
  2. No. But taupe slip-ons, there's a debate to be had there.

    just enjoy what you enjoy and bollocks to anybody who tries to make you conform to their idea of what you must pretend to be.
  3. What, you don't enjoy queueing for hours to get into your normally deserted local to pay double for your usual pint, having fought your way through crowds of drunken kids to get to the bar? You don't find stupidly long queues in shops, car parks and everywhere else fun? The fact that the world seems to shut down for what seems like a longer and longer period every year, with only a few poor gits working? (Yes, me. Bitter? Not at all...) The recycling of the same shit telly as every other year you can remember? I could go on, but no, i love it...
  4. At last, a Christmas thread I can contribute to, I'm over Christmas and all the associated bullshit, at least it's fine and hot, 29deg C here atm, but alas i'm at work. Off tomorrow (xmas day) for 4 days, then back to work for 4 days etc, so should get out on the bike a few times anyway :upyeah:
  5. 29 deg c eh. Sounds ideal riding weather. I'd much rather have the flood warnings and wind we are 'enjoying' here in the UK. Not....
  6. Yes.

    I'm sorry, there's just no way around it.
  7. The whole point of Xmas is that the weather is pants.

    Xmas in the middle of the summer holidays? That's just an irrelevancy (which is why I haven't sent Xmas cards to my Aussie-dwelling brother and sister). They seem to think it's irrelevant too.

    Kitsch, over-eating and over-drinking - these are winter pastimes. Otherwise it's just a BBQ, innit?
  8. One thing I love about Christmas - there's hardly anyone on the roads :smile: Unfortunately this year there's an awful lot of rain instead - some poor blighters are having a hard time of it already with more to come in places.
  9. Hill walking yep :biggrin:, Christmas, nope
  10. My favourite time of year......the second of January that is, oh yeah!
  11. OK, so I'm a bad person. I also like taupe slip-ones, even worse!!!
  12. Hating Christmas - I can relate to and understand..... but taupe slip ons ??? WTF ?? Sorry nothing down for you.
  13. Yes it does :wink:
  14. There is always Morecombe and Wise to look forward to!------------again!
  15. Eric Idle- Fuck Christmas - YouTube
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  16. Only thing worse then Christmas is Christmas Telly.. Oh then Crappy New Year ..
    I like getting older it means I can get away with not liking stuff!!'
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